Chapter 8 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

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The room was full of grenades.

Not piles of grenades on the floor. I mean the whole volume of the room was filled with grenades.

"Why do you have so many grenades?" was the first thing out of my mouth.

Skyler just gave me a storage smile-

-and walked through the wall of grenades.

He just took a step and disappeared through the wall. Poof.

"Uh....." Cautiously, I stretched out my hand and put it through the wall. Nothing happened.

I took a breath and stepped through the wall.

On the other side, any type of weapon you can imagine was hanging on the wall, from the ceiling, or sitting on the ground.

"Woah. There is a lot of stuff here," I said to empty air. The air did not respond.

"Skyler? Are you here? You're kind of freaking me out. Skyler?" I said, walking around.


I turn around and I see a Dalek coming towards me.

I'll admit I did scream as I ran around, trying to shake it. I eventually ran into a dead end, the Dalek right behind me. I braced myself for death.


I opened my eyes and saw the Dalek just sitting there, powered off. Skyler came around the corner and stood behind it, a remote control in his hands and a huge smile on his face.

I realized what had happened. "You little-" I started.

"Oi, no cussing. I thought this would be an excellent way to show you our remote-control Daleks. Scares the living daylights out of the Whovians here."

"Yeah, it's pretty effective," I said, my voice shaking. "But if you do anything like that again, you will be deleted."

Skyler gave a mock salute. "Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, how do we get back to the place we came in, because I saw some stuff I REALLY want to try out."

"Well that's easy." Skyler threw a punch at my face I just barely caught. Next thing I know I'm on my back in the middle of the first room.

"...Ow," is all I can say.

Skyler looks down at me. "We're here."

"I noticed." I sit up with a groan.

"So," Skyler said, "what do you want to try out first?"

I look at the Cyberman suit to my right, and look back to Skyler with a grin.


"So," Skyler said through his hockey mask, "of the 273 weapons you have tried, which one is your favorite?"

"The Assassin suit. That thing made me a parkour master!" I say automatically.

"It's supposed to.  It has tiny mechanisms in the fabric to give you extra maneuverability."

"I don't care.  I look boss and I am boss."

"My favorite is the armor that lets me summon light-blue spears at will."

"Put on the helmet and an eye patch and you'll be cosplaying as Undyne."


"Never mind."

"What's Undyne from?"

"A video game?"

"What video game?"


"My favorite soundtrack is Dog Song."

"I have no idea what my favorite song is."

"Favorite character?"


"mOi fAvEorEaTe iz TEMMIE."

"doeZ yu haz dogg rezidus?"


"Sad face."

Skyler glanced at his watch and said a word my mother would not approve of me repeating.  "We need to get going.  We need to meet the rest of the team at the rendezvous point in 30 minutes."

"How long does it take to get there?"

"An hour.  You have your weapon/outfit of choice?"

I hold up the Assassin outfit folded over my arm.  "May I ask how we're getting to somewhere an hour away in 30 minutes?"

"It won't take 30 minutes."

"How long will it take?"

Skyler started mumbling and drawing in the air.  "About 30 seconds," he said.

"What, do you have a teleporter?"

"Close," he said, grabbing a more modern version of the spear armor.  "We have a Delorean."

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with volleyball and school and such.  By the way, if you haven't already noticed, this book will have a lot of references in it.  Sorry if it gets annoying, but that's my personality. You know why? 'Cause I'm WEIRD.

À bientôt.

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