Chapter 1 Beginnings

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This is my first time writing on Wattpad. Don't judge.
"You're just way too good at this."

Kim looked up and smiled, flicking the last row of her Rubiks Cube into place. "Time?" she asked.

I stop the timer running on my phone. "Four fifty-eight," I replied.


I glanced at my watch. "43 seconds."

Kim pushed some of her long brown hair behind her ear, still smiling. "You know what I mean, Joe."

I gave a little smile. "4 minutes 58 seconds and 51 milliseconds."

She threw her hands up in the air. "New record!"

"By 1 second."

"Still a new record."

"Okay, let's see if you can get a new record 3 times in a row."


"What do you think?"  Kim asked.  "Go for 18?" 

I look at my watch.  "Actually we should get going.  It's almost time for band." 

"Yeah.  We don't want to face the wrath of  Iridocyclitis."

We both laughed.

"Try saying that 5 times fast." 

Still laughing, we headed toward the practice field.

"So how is school going?" Kim asked.

"Pretty good," I said. "Algebra is really easy. I got a 100 on the last test."

"How are you so good at that?"

"How are you so good at the Rubiks Cube?"

"Practice. Want me to teach you?"

"Maybe later. Right now we have a show to rehearse."

"This is going to be a great show."

"Better than last year's?"

"It's kind of hard to beat the show that beat Copse City."

Copse City High School has one of the best bands in the state. And we beat them.

"By 1 point."

"Still beat them."

I shook my head. "I still can't believe we got a perfect 300."

"Neither can I. I have to go get my trombone. See you later."

"Yeah. I'll go get my sousaphone."

"Yes, go get your marching tuna," Kim said as she walked into the instrument storage room.

"That was, like, six months ago! It's getting old." But by then she was through the doors.


I was walking home listening to Fall Out Boy when I noticed a sketchy car following me.  I decided to ignore it.

Probably shouldn't have.

The car pulled up to me. A man rolled down the window and said, "Are you Joe Smith?" He had a slight southern accent.

"Maybe. Why?"

"If you are I'm going to have to ask you to get in the car."

BTW I'm trying to make this as uncliché as possible.  So if you ship certain people, not happening.  Sorry not sorry.

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