Chapter 5 The Truth

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"I said-"

"I know what you said.  It's an expression of disbelief."

"...Okay then.  So yeah,  we're an organization dedicated to preventing all life on Earth from going extinct.  After analyzing some data and re-analyzing  it we have determined that the human race is next on the extinction list."

"And this has to do with me how?"

"We are hiring-"

"*cough* abducting *cough*"

"We are hiring certain amounts of people with all possible genes so when we restart the human race we will have some diversity."

"Is that the only reason you brought me here? Because of my genes?"

Skyler shook his head.  "Also your knack for science. We were hoping you could help with some of the experiments we're conducting."

"What kind of experiments?"

"Experiments on the probable gene distribution from the workers here."

"Punnet square dude.  Punnet square."

"What about independent assortment? Crossing over? Random fertilization?"

"Still doesn't affect the genes. The genes stay the same."

Skyler started to say something, but stopped. "Good point," he said.

"Thank you."

"So will you work for us?"


Skyler smiled. It was kind of creepy.   "Then let's get cracking."

OMG 32 views I have no idea why that makes me so happy.  Anyway Question of the Day:  What is my name?  Not my username, my actual name.  This is going to be fun.

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