Chapter III: First Incounters

Start from the beginning

When a sales assistant who looked to be in her early thirties was walking up to where Xotichl stood, she could feel the woman's eyes on her. The lady wore a thin cover up and a black dress skirt, her hair was up in a small bun that had some of her black hair tumbling out of; like a waterfall. Her heels clicked on the tiled floor and she stopped a few feet away from Xotichl. The lady's eyes traveled from her feet up and finally met Xotichl's eyes, "You need help, I can see. Please follow me," she said dismissing her and turned around in her heels and walking towards some racks further in the shop.

Xotichl hesitated but followed the woman across the room, shuffling her feet on the floor and making scraping noise. The sales assistant looked back at her and scowled, "You must be an amazing assassin if you annoy your targets to their deaths," she said with a bemused expression.

Xotichl glared at her, but stopped the shuffling and walked properly, until she was surrounded by clothing of all different sizes, colours, and brands. "You want a new wardrobe, or a new style?" The sales assistant asked her and started searching through the racks.

"Um, a new wardrobe to replace my jumpsuits and cocktail dresses, and I suppose a new style is also in need," Xotichl answered her nonchalantly. The sales assistant nodded and cocked her head to the side, "what size are you?"

Xotichl looked up in thought and cocked her eyebrow up, "What size? I don't know..." she trailed off, and the woman gripped the back of her blouse, pulling it up and then down to look at the tag. After a long time of humming and nodding, the assistant checked her jean tights to and Xotichl felt her cheeks flush. The assistant came around in front of her again and started picking clothing after clothing from the racks and dumping them over her arm in a big pile. By the amount of clothes she was hiving onto her arm, it looked like she was gathering the last of what clothiers were still intact before they was gone forever.

Xotichl raised her eyebrows, "How much clothes am I going to need to fit in at school?" She asked warily at the pile that seemed like it would topple out of her grip. The woman shrugged and put a finger to her chin in thought, "You would most probably need an outfit for everyday for approximately two months," she stated off, making Xotichl's eyes widen more, "but of course, after that, you can mix and match the styles. And of course, if necessary, you could re-wear them many times as you like. But you also would need to buy clothing once in a while dear, so you don't stand out. Something new every now and then will do the trick. Here," she dumped the pile into Xotichl arms, making her bend backwards in surprise from the clothes weight, "go try these on, and I'll show you how to match them up so you don't make a fool out of yourself."

Rolling her eyes, Xotichl turned towards the dressing room with the assistant hot on her tail. She practically dumped the heavy pile of clothes on a large purple plush covered bench, and heaved a sigh. This sure won't be as easy as I thought it would be, even for free, she thought. The assistant started rifling through the clothes, putting some on one pile and then another, before there were almost twenty piles of clothing that surrounded them both. Each set was either a top and bottoms or a dress and a cardigan as a cover up. They were a variety of colours, and they seemed to speak to Xotichl when she took notice in them. Only none were a happy just here for the ride kind of speaking, more a mysterious, in the mode and ready for action kind of talk. Xotichl nodded in appreciation. This woman was good.

"Alright, we have your hot days, lone days, cold days, dressy days, and even date days for those times when you really have to blend with the crowd," the woman stated, and held up an outfit for Xotichl, "Go try these on, and let me see how you look."

Since the assistant started to be more polite, Xotichl nodded more gratefully and went into the change room. What she didn't know was how much of a hassle shopping, or even play shopping, could be.

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