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Copyright © 2012 IDaireYou (J.B. Roberts)

All Rights Reserved.


COPYRIGHT: This book "As Normal As Ever" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work (J.B Roberts) and unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.


She cries herself to sleep at night when nobody is there.

She hides her pain behind that broken smile but no one seems to care.

She's been alone all her life and yet all they do is glare.

She says she's fine and just needs some air but all she wants is for people to care. ❤




A siren echoed all around. Consciousness gained by bright red flashing lights through her closed eyes. The girl felt the sound travel through her bones. Her body felt numb to it.

She tried to open her crusted eyelids, but the blinding flickering lights stopped them from any attempt. Her arms were limp by her sides, too weak to lift them from her body. She felt paralyzed.

The blaring siren stopped suddenly, and darkness consumed the red lights. She managed to open her eyes in the soft blackness surrounding her, only to have a lukewarm fluid to consume her eyes. Immediately she flinched her eyes shut; she waited for the pain of the unknown fluid to sting her eyes, but nothing happened. It felt like the medication that people would put in your eyes when they are sore- eye drops. She reopened her eyes again and the liquid seemed to soften them as it enveloped around her. Her vision was nothing but pitch black darkness.

It took her brain another moment to adjust and function again, yet it still felt strange. She questioned the possibility of her being dead, then realized she wouldn't be capable of opening her eyes if that were so. Could she possibly be blind? If that were the case, then what were those lights? Pondering over those options, she realized neither would explain the abrupt darkness that surrounded her.

Her questions were answered when she saw a blurry rectangular patch of light emerge from the nothingness of the room. A white-coated figure step through what appeared to be a door. Another stepped in following suit, closing the door behind it and taking the merciful light from the room, plunging it back into nothing.

The lights flickered again, this time white light instead of red, which caused the girl to blink rapidly for her eyes to adjust. What she saw before her seemed to scar her vision for good.

She was floating in a cylinder shaped tank. it was surrounded by thick looking glass and was filled with a green substance that portrayed water. White cords were all around her, connected to her by suction cups with their own little wires jutting into the soft olive skin of her arms and leg... Or rather what was left of them. A form of tape was stuck to her mouth to prevent her from swallowing the substance, followed by a breathing mask that covered her nose. Fortunately, the tape prevented the choked gasp that would have escaped from her lips.

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