New Relationships

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Chapter One (I think)

Kat's POV:

Cold beads of sweat rolled down my back. This couldn't be possible. I mean, me?! How could I, little Katrina Franchesca Thompson, have possibly gotten 5 million views on my latest youtubevideo, in the matter of days?! "It probably has to do with the fact that Brady Maze was practically in it," a small voice inside my head said. Thanks to him, everybody knew who Kat Crème was. I sneered at the thought of that eventful day of shooting.

I was smiling, the sun was shining and Nancy-Rose was on the floor, doubled up with laughter. We were at my most favourite place in the whole of Ambry. I was so thrilled when Nan knocked on my door and told me that she'd convinced my overly-protective parents to let me go down to The Falls with her. I grabbed my bikini, and before I knew it, we were surrounded by many tiny waterfalls, glinting in the sunlight.

I placed my camera on a tripod, and started diving off The Falls and giggling away like a little freak. I pulled myself out of the clear water, picked that ever-present wedgie, and was about to dive off one of the higher falls, when I heard one of my most favourite songs in the distance. Getting curious, I went and got my camera, coz I wanted every second of this on film, and told Nan I had to go to the "bathroom".

The voice was soft sweet. Although it sounded frustrated, the placid tone could put the devil to peace.

I crouched behind a bush, and watched the guy sing.

"Don't listen to a word I say,

The screams all sound the same,

Though the truth may vary this,

Ship will carry our,

Bodies safe to shore,"

I gasped. I couldn't help it. Very rarely did I ever have control over my mouth. The singer stopped abruptly.

"Holy shit. This could be the beginnings of a romance book," my extremely warped mind thought.

I held my breath until he started singing again, then I heard a beeping noise. Wait...what?! I listened in to my camera and there was silence, but when I looked beyond my comfy (hint the sarcasm there) bush , I saw something that ruined my theory on this being a "romantic" meeting.

He had a video camera perched upon a rock. It recorded him, as the words echoed around the clearing.

Right... then, I felt my skin creeping, the strings on my bikini top were moving slightly. I tried to pin it on the wind, but there was no wind. So when a massive brown, hairy mother-fucking spider made a surprise appearance dangerously close to my face, I shrieked. "HOLY FUCK! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!"

The guy ran towards me like my knight in freaking shining armour. He stopped in front of me and started staring.

"What the fuck?!"

"Are you just gonna freaking stand there, or are you gonna help me?!"

Jesus Christ, this guy may have a dreamy voice, but he was an asshole. I came crashing back to earth only to remember that there may still be a humungous monster roaming around my body. I burst into frantic tears.

"Big...Bairy...Psider...Berfing BODYYYYY!"

This guy was smart. I don't know how, but he knew exactly what I was saying. I sobbed,

"I...just need you to...*hiccup*...check to... see if there is something...on me,"

He came closer, and I took a sharp intake of breath as he gently pulled my hair away from my neck. He whispered,

"There's nothing there, but it might've gone down your top or something... Seeing as though you're in your bathers,"

"There is no way I'm letting you come that close, you demented asswipe,"

"No, hell no. I thought I could take you down to The Falls, coz it's just a minute's walk from here and if you dived into the water, the spider is bound to shake off."

"Yeah, okay then..."

I saw my camera lying on the floor, at the perfect angle to capture that horrifying conversation. I bent down to pick it up, and when I stood back up the boy was smirking. "Oh, so you shoot videos? Is this for school project?"

"Shut up you asshole. I'm actually on YouTube"

"How many subscribers have you got? Besides your family..."

I snapped. This asshole thought he was better than me eh? I was gonna show him. And this time, I'd show him the truth.

"Sixty thousand," I said proudly. He smirked again, and said,

"So I'm guessing I'll be the reason you'll have one million by Monday morning..."

"What?! Who the hell are you anyways? Most normal people don't video tape themselves sing unless they're sending a tape to X-Factor or Idol or they're gay."

He put a hand to his heart, feigning hurt.

"I'm hurt sweetheart, you clearly don't spend much time on other channels."

I frowned as he continued.

"I'm Brandy Maze."

I proceeded to fall over, and found myself on the ground, relying on him to be my knight in shining armour and help me again. Brandy Maze. People said he was the next Justin Bieber. I guess he was in a way. He sang covers of songs on YouTube, and was famous for it. Girls would sell their future children to be where I am right now with him.

"Well Brandy, seeing as though you seem to be quite familiar with YouTube, would you care to tell me who I am?" I said sneering.

"Well, you do look like this one chic whose videos are pretty kick-ass, she does all this random shit with her friend, and her channel is just awesome,"

"And who might that be?"


I gasped and spluttered, "Wha? But, um, er.."

He laughed, "I'm kidding! She's cute, but her friend's hotter, Have you ever herd of Kat Crème?"

My face must've been really stuffed up, because he chuckled, and it was only then I noticed how handsome he was. His defined cheekbones, sandy, messy blonde hair, but it was his eyes. They were my definition of gorgeous. He had heterochromia; one of his eyes was deep green, whereas the other was an amazing blue. And it was the bluest. Bluer than blue.

I fell back into reality when I saw that he had stopped my camera from recording, placed it on my towel (near one of the higher falls) and was leaning forwards. I was gobsmacked, Brandy Maze was going to kiss me!! His breath smelt like peppermint, I closed my eyes just as he gripped my waist and legs. Since when do guys pick you up when they kiss you?! I opened my eyes and he was grinning, his eyes filled with pure evil. As the asshole threw me over the edge and into the cold water.

Eurgh. Once Nan had dropped me home, I opened my camera, to find that my name tag (containing my full name, mobile number and address) had been ripped off. That little stalker. So just for that, I edited the video, and had it on YouTube within three hours. And now it had 5 million views, and just as Brandy predicted, I had over a million subscribers.

I unfolded the towel from that day, a small sheet of paper slipped out.

Hey little miss Crème,

I know Kat's your real name, so I guess you should know that my real name's Benji Jones. Find me on Facebook, we should make a video together one day... I don't live around here, yet, so um, bye for now?

I opened my Facebook account. It told me I had one friend request. From a hottie called Benji.

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