Ch. 41 - Peace Out

Start from the beginning

I laugh and join him on the floor. "I almost killed him tonight too. Then again, you were the one who put him in the hospital. I just wanted to put him in the hospital."

"Well, I didn't," he mutters. "He'll probably avoid me for the rest of eternity."

"If you had gone to the hospital," I say, "he wouldn't be able to avoid you."

"I didn't like the way everyone was looking at me." He ruffles his hair. "Plus, I've slept with half of the girls there, and they looked pissed."

I shake my head. "So many home-runs for the other team, eh?"

"I almost scored with you."

I scoff, "no! I didn't even kiss you back."

We both laugh, Tucker's smile fading before mine. He picks at my rug, chewing on his lip.

"Do you feel any different?" I ask. "Now that everyone knows you're gay?"

"I don't know. I don't really care what other people think of me." He looks at me briefly. "Okay, maybe I care a little."

"It's human nature," I assure. "But hey, if I accepted that you were gay and in love with Asher Westfield when I was dating Asher Westfield, so can all these other people. Plus, everyone always wants a gay best friend."

"I'm not like that," he defends. "I am like the least gay gay person. I mean, that's why it took me so long to realize I'm gay. I'm just so un-gay that I couldn't see I was gay."

I pat his shoulder and stand up from my floor. "You lost me after 'I'm not like that.' Come on, I think my mom made brownies before she left."

"Pot brownies?"

"Fudge brownies," I say and offer a hand to help him stand up.

"I think I'd rather stay on the floor," he decides.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, that's your decision. I'm going downstairs to have a foodgasm."

"Sexual, yet horrifying," he comments and stands up from the floor. "You know I'm down."

For the next hour or so, Tucker and I eat my mom's fudge brownies. After we finished them, Tucker suggested we sneak over to the Harris' and steal some of her chocolate chip cookies. It was a tough decision, but I decided Zander would probably pass out or worse if he saw us sneaking in, most likely assuming we were out to kill him.

"So, who drove you home?" Tucker asks as we move to rest our stuffed stomachs on the couch.

"Dexter," I say casually, keeping my eyes on the carpeted floor.

Tucker smirks. "Ah. I'm not too surprised."

"Don't look at me like that," I snap and cross my arms over my chest. "He's a good friend of mine. He dropped me off and that was that."

"He must've loved that dress," he says cheekily. "Poor guy is probably taking a cold shower right now."

I gasp and throw a pillow at his face. "No! Seriously, Tucker, you can leave if you're just going to make these comments and-"

"Why are you getting so defensive about this?" His eyes widen all of the sudden. "Holy ship, you totally hooked up with him! Was it in the car? Damn, I never pegged you for the girl who-"

"We didn't hook up!" I exclaim.

"You did something," he says knowingly.

I bite my tongue and hesitate on telling him the truth. I mumble, "hem kreishf me."

"What? Sorry, can you repeat that? I don't speak embarrassed white girl."

"He kissed me," I say a bit louder, shutting my eyes.

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