Chapter 22

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"WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE ARE THEY? Are they okay?" I demanded, springing up from where I had perched on the edge of a bed.

"Oh, they're fine. Better than fine, actually--they managed to capture one of the ones that jumped them."

"Well, where are they?" Thomas asked, equally worried.

"The living room," she said, grabbing my hand and starting to walk out. I went with her, closely followed by Thomas, rushing to see what we had learned from our new source of knowledge.

"What's your name?" Chris asked, looking down at a thin, reedy man who had been tied to a chair, wearing a deep blue cloak (or maybe it qualified as a robe).

"Why, I would never allow such a sacred thing to be spoken by filth like--OW!" he rasped. The last part was because Aria had strode forward, hitting him on the head with one of the huge books we had been using for research after 'borrowing' a few from the libraries. They would be returned when we were done with them, but we hadn't wanted to leave a paper trail for the Deditanum, which was why I could now add 'book smuggler' to my long list of offenses.

"My name is Dwight," he said, scowling at Aria, who simply flashed him a cool half-smile that promised future violence.

"Dwight what?" Macey asked, stepping forward slightly.

"Dwight Phelps," he said, looking not unlike a sulking child. "Don't let her hit me anymore, or I won't tell you anything!"

"Oh, so you'll tell us what we want to know if she leaves you alone?" I asked, not bothering to hide the doubt in my voice.


She raised the book, and he flinched.

"Yes! Yes, I'll tell you if I know it!"

"I honestly didn't hit him that hard," she promised, holding back a laugh as we gave her strange looks. "He's just a wimp."

"I am not a wimp!" he screeched, his voice cracking. I bit back a laugh of my own, walking over and flicking his arm lightly. He jerked back as if I had burned him, howling, "Abuse! Abuse! You can't torture me forever, you know!"

I laughed out loud. "All we've done Is hit you with a book once and flick you. That doesn't count as abuse or torture."

His dark, beady eyes simply stared at me with loathing. "The Sacred Goddess will punish you when you die, heretic."

"Who is the Sacred Goddess?" Thomas asked, ignoring everything going on in favor of getting straight to the point.

"Oh, the tratorius people who do not worship her gloriousness! How you must live in--er, Ju'mat," he said, seeing Aria take a threatening step forwards.

"Somehow, I doubt Ju'mat will 'punish' me for flicking you. Kinda seems like it wouldn't be that important to her, who flicks who," I said, grinning as I wondered what he'd say if I told him I had actually spoken to her.

"Our Goddess is all-knowing, all-seeing. She cares for her followers deeply, for they are as close to children as her immortal glory can bear. Make no mistake, she will come for you," he hissed, scowling at me. "If not for attacking me, then certainly for stealing her magic."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, frowning.

"You know what I'm talking about, fiend," he said, dark triumph gleaming in his eyes. "You and your heretic brethren who entered her sacred places, desecrating her throne and taking her power for yourself. You're no better than a band of thieves!"

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