"What brings you this way?" 

                 "I was in the neighborhood and decided to say hi. I ran into your team here. What you replace us all for younger and better agents?" 

                                "If I remember correctly it was Shepard who went to Europe after '99, you went off with Cassidy to work together somewhere else and it was decker who retired." 

        "Alright, alright, you've got a point. It was sad to hear about Decker.. That had to be rough. Anyway tell me how's Shepard? You two still sneaking around?" 


                      "No wait let me guess, your usual spots, the elevator autopsy, the conference room, the supply closet, the break room, both the woman and men bathroom. Oh let me guess now that she's director you're using the directors office." I got up quicker than I had in awhile and covered Stan's mouth as he looked towards me. 

                          "Shut up.." Glancing over his shoulder I saw my team starring at me in shock. Ducky raised an eyebrow as I glanced over towards him. 

                    "look what you've done Burley.." 

                            "Whoops, my bad boss."

"Autopsy? Really Jethro?" I heard Ducky ask and I mentally slapped myself in the back of the head. 

               "Yep, all the time Ducky. We'd be working late and they'd head down there already with there hands on each other. Most their clothes ended on the elevator floor. The only reason they don't do it in the elevator was because Morrow had yelled at Gibbs about it. Shepard always came out red and blushing. Morrow thought she was embarrassed or something, since Gibbs came out with her he figured he had been yelling at her about a simple mistake because back then he would. He knew Gibbs used that as a conference room so he figured when it was stopped he was there yelling at Shepard." 

         "Stan!! That's more than they need to know!" 

                           "No, no, tell us more." Came the reply from my team which caused me to mumble under my breath. 

          "Stan why are you here?" 

                  "Told you, came to see how Shepard and you were doing." 

                         "Stan.. Shepard is dead.." 

 "What? No, since when?" 

                 "Since four months ago when she was shot in that diner."  Just than a laugh came from Stan which caused all eyes to turn towards him. 

            "What's so funny Burley! A coworkers death isn't funny." 

                      "It kinda is when you think they're really dead." 

"What do you mean by that?" 

               "I talked to Shepard last week, lets just say she's not in the best mood." 

                           "What? How? That's impossible." 

  "She's due in three weeks.. She's not dead Gibbs, trust me."

               "Due? What do you mean due?" 

                      "She's having her baby in three weeks. You didn't know?"

   "No I didn't know.. Who's the father?" 

             "You are... That's why i'm surprised you don't know.." 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now