I loved her

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Brianna's POV

"It's a ... Yes" I replied

Vogue want me to be their cover girl.

Me a cover girl

A vogue cover girl

No way, it still hasn't sunk in yet.

A cover girl with scars.


After the meeting Harry was straight on his phone talking in a hushed voice. Who was he talking to? Luke? It had to be.


Luke's POV

Luke's POV
After seeing Harry and Brianna getting close it bugged me, so fucking much. Why? Why would Brianna be getting cozy with one of my best mates? And I though we had something. I'm so stupid

Slamming the front door. I had to get away. I couldn't believe Brianna after what she told me about her father, I thought we were close, obviously I was wrong.

After walking to the park a good hour away from the house. I could finally make sense of what I was thinking. Brianna was making Harry jealous. I knew it. It wasn't long before I fell the tears streaming down my face.

What if I was more like Harry? Would Brianna like me then? Feeling the vibration in my jean pocket from someone ringing me. It was Harry.

"What do you want harry" I said after picking up

"Where are you Luke?" Harry asked

"Why the hell would you carry Harry weren't you busy with Brianna before I interrupted?" I shouted down the phone

"It wasn't like that Luke, I can ---- "

"Oh fuck off Harry" I interrupted him and hung up. 11pm. How long had I been at the park?

After walking back to the house it was way after 12pm when I got back.
After sneaking past the living room when the TV was on some news channel.

I went to my room and crashed on the bed. Not bothering to turn on any lights. I must have fell asleep because the next I heard was my bedroom door opening. I forgot Brianna was sharing my room.

"Luke, it's not what it looked like" Brianna whispered

"Listen Brianna, from what I saw you and Harry were getting pretty close. I need space okay." And with that I got up, took a small blanket and went and sat in the living room.

I loved her. I love Brianna and Harry was taking her away from me, again. Just like last time because Harry always gets the girls not me.


Okay so that's a super long chapter with 2 DIFFERENT POV'S hope you enjoy it :)

Comment, vote, fan, tweet me @Bethanyy5SOS.


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