Unexpected phonecall

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After my breakdown in front off Harry, I decided to go have a shower.

Turning on the shower and making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold, I stepped into the water.

Water pelting my back making me feel fresher instantly. Washing my hair with vo5 give me volume shampoo. Moments later after debating wether to shave my legs or not, I decided that I should as it was getting hot outside,

. nobody would see the tops of my thighs so I decided I would leave them to heal for a while.

Wrapping a fluffy white towel over myself after I stepped out of the shower, I decided to check my phone.

782 new twitter notifications

589 new Instagram followers

3 missed calls

2 texts

1 new voicemail

I decided to leave twitter and Instagram alone today but looked at the text

Harry: I really hope you're okay Bri. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you sweetie. Love hazza

Bri: thanks Harry I'm better now. It was just too much pressure from the fans but ill be okay:)

After reading and replying to Harry's text with a smile. I had received a text from Luke aswell.

Luke: hey babe, I was thinking that we could do something today? If you don't want to I understand but it would be nice? See ya downstairs:) love luke xx

Thinking that my grin couldn't get any bigger it did. After replying a quick "I would love to Luke, see you soon xxx"

I noticed that an unknown number had tried ringing me but left a voice mail.

After dialling 1212 (voicemail number) I was shaking. Why was I shaking?

"Hello is this Brianna? Well I'm from UK models and I was wondering if you are interested in coming to the studio so we could have a chat?

If so give me a call back on 01292 88242. Thanks, hope to hear from you soon."

A modelling agency?!

I have to tell Harry.



So this is just a filler be prepared for more drama soon;)


Mwah from Beth and Liv

Saving Bri (Harry Styles & Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now