Im fine

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Luke's POV

"BRI BRI IT'S OKAY BREATH BRI YOUR SAFE STOP CRYING" I shouted, trying to calm poor Bri down, she was having some sort of nightmare in the car, and now she's crying, and shaking and having breathing difficulties.

"TAKE DEEP BREATHS" Harry explained, with a worried glare in his eyes.

"What the hell is happening is she gonna be okay?" Michael questioned

"thank you Luke" Bri said.

"Thank you for what darling?"

"you woke me up and saved me right?"

"saved you from what? What's happening Bri, I'm scared!"

"don't worry, I'm fine" She said, her breathing approached its normal state, and she sat back up, glaring out of the window...

Harry's POV

I don't know what was up with Bri.

Or what scared her.

She's so secretive.

She won't let anyone in, or let her guard down.

But these were all the things that drew me to her.

All these little things...

I feel as if I have some sort of duty to protect her, and I'm willing to do anything it takes.


Hey guys, sorry for the late updates, I've had some exams haha :) leave comments and vote!

-Liv (tweet me @osnapitzliv_)

Saving Bri (Harry Styles & Luke Hemmings)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum