Chapter 6

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Home must of fallen asleep on the sunny lawn because he woke up with a wet nose sniffing his face.

Home looked at the nose, and wagged his tail slightly.

He sat up and blinked blurry sleep from his big brown eyes, then he saw at least 4 other dogs with Default standing over them proudly with a big goofy dog smile.

There was a large German Shepard Chow Mix about the size of Default named Lilith, a medium sized black and brown mutt named Lou, a yellow Golden Retriever named Lion, and a large but young Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever puppy named Melody.

Home wasn't as big as some of these dogs, he was barely even taller than Melody but he and Default knew who was the alpha.

Melody wagged her tail in a greeting, she must of been the one with her nose in Home's face.

Home stepped forward to meet all these dogs and see if any of them could be future enemies who might challenge his leadership, but fortunately all of them looked like loyal dogs but future competitors include Lilith and Lion who might get tired or annoyed when taking orders from a smaller dog.

Home then stood back and nodded at Default, who wagged his tail in response and Home wagged his tail back and got up.

He looked around the area just noticing that they were in a backyard of a human, he lifted his nose and sniffed the air and caught a scent.

Home was about to go after it until he heard Lilith bark loudly, Home turned to Lilith and she pointed with her nose to a human staring at them wide eyes with their human pups beside them.

Human and dog were quiet.

Suddenly Lou stepped forward, the mutt walked toward the humans bravely, he had confidence in each paw step.

Lou wagged his tail and sat at the humans' feet, he was friendly towards them and didn't flinch as the human pup hesitantly touched his forehead. It actually made his tail wag even more.

Soon the whole family was petting the mutt and the more people who touched him the more his tail wagged.

Lou turned to Home and the pack and barked, pointing his nose towards the hole in the fence.

Home and his pack slowly made their way towards the fence while the family then got a frisbee and started playing fetch with Lou.

Home slide through the hole and waited on the other side and tried to help others out of the hole just in case they got stuck.

Melody slide through the hole easily and wagged her tail at Home as she sat down beside him near the hole on the other side.

It took a little more effort to get Lilith through the hole but they managed and she sat down next to Home and Melody, Home barked at them to hurry because soon the humans would notice them.

Default slid under the fence with ease because he had been through there more times than any dog, he sat down next to them and panted with excitement and exhaustion.

Now it was Lion's turn, Lion was a clumsy but lovable dog who sometimes ruined everything but tried to fix his mistakes after he makes them.

When Lion tried to slide under the fence his body got stuck under the fence in the hole.

His head was facing towards Home and the others and his rear end was facing towards Lou and the humans' side of the fence, Lion wagged his tail jokingly.

On the human's side of the fence, Lou noticed that Lion was stuck and walked eagerly away from the humans. Home could tell that Lou was street wise, and probably didn't like hanging around humans at all but he sacrificed himself for his friends.

Lou walked over and tried to help by pushing Lion through the hole and onto the other side of the fence, but Lou didn't have enough strength to move the heavy dog.

The humans noticed that Lou was gone by now and walked over and were now screaming at Lou and Lion.

Home couldn't do anything but bark encouragement to his packmates.

Lou looked behind himself at the humans and looked at Lion and nodded, then he turned around and walked back towards the humans.

Home watched through a small eye hole in the fence and started getting angry at Lou's betrayal.

The humans smiled and the human pup opened its arms towards Lou as the mutt got closer to the family.

Home got mad and started barking through the eye hole his tail up straight angrily, Melody copied him and Lilith and Default almost jumped the fence to attack Lou, Lion's tail wagged in excitement at the sudden barking even though he couldn't see and didn't have a clue what was going on so he just started barking with his friends.

But there was silence as they noticed that Lou walked right past the family and to the other fence on the other side of the yard, Lou then looked at the family and growled, then he barked and ran full speed at Lion but-heading his friend's rear and Lion slid straight out and then Lou ducked under the fence and wagged his tail in greetings to his friends.

Home barked and wagged his tail and pretty soon all the dogs' tails were blurs of happiness.

The humans ran to the fence and screamed gibberish, slamming their hands on the wooden fence and sticking their arms in the hole in the bottom of the fence.

A hand reached under like a zombie and touched Lilith's paw, Lilith growled and bit the arm and hand and the owner of the arm shrieked loudly.

Home barked at his friends and they ran, they ran down the street until they could no longer hear the screaming of those evil humans.

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