Chapter 5

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Home heard a far off bark just as he finished his left over chicken leg.

He perked his ears, but tried not to take much notice of it.

But he couldn't ignore it after he heard pounding paw steps coming in his direction, so he turned his head towards the source of the noise and saw a large Doberman that was much larger than Home, him being a beagle mix.

Foam came the Doberman's mouth but he didn't have the wild look in his eyes that Home saw in the mutt with rabies. He just looked very thin.

Without hesitation Home launched for the Doberman and tackled him and pinned the larger dog down but Home knew he couldn't keep the stray in place for long.

Home growled and prepared himself for a kick in his exposed belly but the larger and weaker dog just whimpered under Home's paws.

Home gave a puzzled look at the dog and got off of him but still held him down strongly by the scruff.

The Doberman kicked and yelped, being more terrified than afraid.

Home sniffed the dog, fear scent entering his nose.

Home stepped back, satisfied that the dog was scared in his presence.

Home then let the dog get up and the Home wagged his tail gently in a friendly matter, the Doberman stared at him but wagged his little stub of a tail.

Home knew he could help this dog and that the dog could be useful to him but he had to let the larger dog know that he meant business and that HE was in charge.

Home got up, and his friend copied him.

Home's ears perked as a familiar smell of human but the scent was mixed with a food scent that made Home's mouth water.

A male human walked out of the building which smelled of food at pointed at the Doberman, "Default! Dat Default not do his job! He guard my place from strays! He fail!"

Home looked at his larger comrade, the Doberman -now called Default- tilted his head but then shook his head wildly as he charged at the human.

Home narrowed his eyes and barked, Default turned to Home with a short whimper.

Default whimpered and pointed his nose towards the human eagerly, but Home shook his head and then Default let out a big sigh, turned around, and followed Home out of the alleyway.

They walked in silence, the only sound was the clatter of his dog tags on Home's choker collar.

Default looked behind them a couple of times to make sure they weren't being followed.

After a few minutes of walking Home felt a raindrop fall on his head, Home stopped walking to look up at the stormy grey clouds.

Home had no idea what they were but he barked to Default and they started running.

Soon it was pouring and both dogs were soaking wet and smelled of wet dog.

They kept on running until they dug under a fence and saw a shed with the door cracked open, pretty soon they were both running towards it.

Once they made it to the door Home squeezed in easily but it took a little more effort for Default, but he was skinner than Home so it didn't take too much more effort.

When inside they shook themselves, sending drops flying off their coats.

Home was freezing as he laid down, but Default curled his body around Home's for more warmth and pretty soon they were both okay.

(Time skip to morning)

Home woke up and slowly made it out of his spot, trying not to disturb his sleeping friend.

He squeezed out the door and sat on the damp grass, he licked the grass thirstily surprised when it didn't taste of urine.

He wagged his tail as the sun beat down on his pelt, and he closed his eyes in relaxation.

Default came out and sat down next to his friend, wagging his little tail.

Home was quiet for a little but then he looked at Default and barked.

Default almost seemed to smile as he nodded and ran off and slide under the fence through the hole.

Home wagged his tail.

There were more dogs on the way.

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