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"I'm going to make popcorn" I said. I got up and started making my way down stairs. "Hey sweetie I see you made a lot of friends"

"Well I'm not going to see them in a month" I said with attitude. "Honey, I'm the one going for the summer. Your staying here", As she said that I was a bit happy, but I was also sad cause she's leaving for the whole summer.

"oh" was all I said. I grabbed the popcorn in the cabinet, and placed it in the microwave. "Slut" I heard someone say. Of course I new exactly who it was. Taylor. He's the only one I know that calls me a slut out of no where.

"Bitch" I said facing him. "You can stop calling me that now" he said walking closer to me.  "B I T C H" I said loudly. He smirked and slammed me against the wall.

I can feel his warm breath inches from mine. "Get off me" I commanded. "You nervous babe" he said. I can say I was nervous, but that doesn't change the fact he's an asshole. "Don't call me babe fuck boy" I said.

He let go and rolled his eyes. I took a deep breath and walked towards the microwave. "Is it done?" Taylor asked. I ignored him and grabbed the popcorn. I placed it in a big bowl and added some butter and salt.

"Taylor bring it upstairs" I said. "No" he said rudely. I smirked and grabbed the whip cream beside me and squeezed it all over him.

"You bitch" he screamed. "Next time don't be an asshole" I said With a smirk. "Run" as soon as he said that I started running for my life.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that, but at the same time he deserved it.

I ran to the backyard and he chased after me. "I'm going to get you" he said. I smirked and continued running. "I got you" he yelled. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"Ready to swim" he smirked. My eyes widened and he pushed me in the pool. "I can't swim" I yelled. He jumped in after me and grabbed me. I laughed and pushed him into the water.

"You are such a liar" he said laughing. "Look someone's laughing for the first time" I said with a surprised tone. He hits me playfully and laughs.

"Why on earth are you guys in the pool" I heard Cameron say. We both looked at him then back at each other. "He was being an asshole", "she was being a bitch"

I roll my eyes and climb out of the pool.  "Here you go" Madison said handing me a towel. "Hey what about me?" Taylor said. "go get it" she said.

I laugh and nudge her side a bit. "Lets go continue the movie" Cameron yelled. He ran up the stairs and ended up missing a step which caused him to fall.

"Fuck" he screamed. I started to laugh and so did everyone else. I walked into my room and grabbed dry clothes and walked into the washroom.

I changed into joggers and my favourite Nike sports bra. After i got myself all cleaned up I walked into my room.

As I walked inside my room Taylor's mouth opened so wide. "Close your mouth, you don't want to catch flys" I said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and continued watching the movie.

"Love your sports bra, you gotta let me use that some time" she Said. "I got an extra one like this. You want it?" I asked. "Yes" she said with a smile.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed another sports bra. "Here you go"  I said handing it to her. "Thank you" she squealed. She placed it in her beg and placed her head on Cameron's shoulder.

     Aw they are such a cute couple


Sorry it's short. The next chapter will be longer, promise.

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