I Am Fandom Trash

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A/N this fanfic is set in mid-June of 2016 AKA the future! *plays doctor who theme* okay, please enjoy the story, whoever is reading this!

"Konnichiwa [1], guys!" I said, waving into my camera. "Today, I will be doing my monthly Q&A, and this month's theme is I Am Fandom Trash. So I asked you guys to tweet me some questions asking me about things related my various fandoms which you guys should really know about by now, and now I am going to, well, answer them!" Having said my line, I got off my bed, where I was filming, and went to retrieve my laptop from my overly cluttered desk.

My twitter was logged on, and the camera caught my reactions to the various questions my viewers, who called themselves 'noriphiles', had sent me. I'd have to edit all of that out, of course, maybe keep some for the outtakes video I would upload on my second channel, morecrapfromnori. I started reading out the ones that especially caught my attention, especially such jewels as, 'fuck marry or kill: han solo, obi-wan, boba fett?' and 'if the doctors newest regeneration was a female would u bring back billie piper or karen gillan to play her?'.

I answered around 20 questions, and then thought it would be wise to start wrapping up, or the editing process would kill me.

"Okay, guys, that's about it for this month's Q&A, thanks to all of you for sending in questions! I'm sorry if I didn't answer your question, if I did answer all of them, this video would be very long," I said, apologetically. "Fear not though, lovely noriphiles, for I will be doing my first ever live-stream on YouNow in a few days, and I'll try my best to answer your questions then! Till next time then, my children!" I said. I then added the 'please subscribe if you haven't already, give me a thumbs up if you liked this' spiel, and shut off the camera.


"I should probably start packing," I muttered out loud to myself, looking around the room. I had obviously accepted the invitation to Vid-Con (who wouldn't have?) and now I had to start getting things ready. I'd never flown to America before, so I was quite excited about that.

We'd have to be in Anaheim for two days before and after the convention, and we could choose to stay for longer if we wanted to, which was what most of the others would be doing. But I didn't, so I opted to leave on the 20th and reach by the 21st. It was the 18th of June, so obviously there were still two days left, but I didn't like leaving things for the last minute.

I'd need to go shopping. But I definitely needed a shopping buddy to go with me.

With that in mind, I picked up my phone and called Liz, who was my closest friend from YouTube. Liz had a makeup and lifestyle channel called lizwantspizza with over two million subscribers and was in a happy relationship. In other words, she was my exact opposite, and my better half. In fact, since she wanted to keep Matt a secret from her viewers for now (they were still in their early days, bless them), she had filmed a video called Nori Does My Makeup (Blindfolded!), which inspired a lot of #lori and an equal amount of lesbian fanfic. Fun times. 

Not that I wasn't attracted to her when  initially met her or anything. She was especially beautiful, but also regrettably straight as a pin. Too bad that #lori could never be canon. Thanks, Matt.

Liz agreed to meet me at 4, which gave me about half an hour to get dressed and leave if I wanted to catch the bus. 


 "Nori-chan," said Liz, holding up a blue and white striped vest with a gold anchor emblazoned on it. "Do you think this vest can appropriately reflect my inner persona?" she asked.

"Not unless your inner persona is an undercover sailor," I said, nonchalantly. "But it is cute, and very Liz. I think it would be appropriate for the weather, too. What about this?" I asked, lifting a blouse which had the words "Advocate For Messy Hair" printed on it. 

"It's very you. The boys and girls will definitely love it," she replied, shooting me a cheeky wink. 

I grinned and dropped it into my basket. 

"So," Liz began. "How does it feel? Being invited to Vid-Con, I mean. It's a sign that you're doing something right as a YouTuber, innit?" 

I paused to think about it, halfway through studying a neon pink crop-top with silver lettering on it. "It's definitely surreal. I mean, I never thought when I first filmed that horrible video, hoping that my mum wouldn't walk in on me talking to my webcam at 3 AM, that I would ever get here. I know I gambled a lot, what with being completely blacklisted by my folks in Japan and all that, but I never expected my little itsnorichan channel to come so far, I suppose." 

She nodded. "I know what you mean. My first year at Vid-Con was so amazing. I was so intimidated, but at the same time so chuffed. You'll get what I mean. It's an experience, really." 

We resumed our browsing amidst mindless chit-chat.


"Guys, its a little past 10 PM, and boy, am I knackered. I made it out of shopping (Liz is surprisingly very aggressive when it comes to finding what she wants) with a couple of really great tops and my predictable skinny jeans. But Liz also bullied me into buying a few dresses. To be fair though, I really look surprisingly nice in them. I didn't know I had it in me, after spending half my life in cheese stained comic book t-shirts. Not that I'm complaining. I love me some cheese stained comic book t-shirts," I said, into my little red vlogging camera. I had vlogged the day so that I could add to the outtakes from I am Fandom Trash to put on morecrapfromnori

I retrieved my memory cards from both cameras and booted up my mac to start the painful process of editing my raw footage. 


It was well past midnight, when I finally fell asleep, leaving my dirty plate in the sink to 'soak', and drifting off into a sleep filled with dreams of the coming Vid-Con. 


[1] Konnichiwa (こんにちは) is a Japanese greeting that translates to 'hello'.

A/N- if in case, it wasn't clear in this chapter, Nori is bisexual. Also, all the vidcon stuff is completely fabricated, as I've never been (insert sad face), and had to binge-watch vlogs that have been put up by youtubers in order to come up with how im gonna write it. Ciao!

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