| chapter eight |

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The morning light peeks into the room. My eyes flutter open to the sight of.. someone else lying next to me, eyes wide open. I gasp and jump up from the bed. Memories from the past couples days come back and I shake my head.
"Good morning, Sage." Castiel sits up, looking at me. 
"Good morning. H-have you been there all night..?" I look around the room awkwardly. 
"Well, I did just sit at the table for a while, watching to make sure you were okay," oh, that's a nice thought, "then I got in with you after a couple hours."
"Okay." I nod, "Cas, what time is it?" He points toward the clock on the nightstand. 7:05. "Oh man. I'm going back to bed."
"Dean and Sam are leaving soon.. they have to go on a case.." I look up at him and shake my head.
"And what will we do..?" 
"We have to wait here until they get back. That is, unless I have to go with them. Then you'll be here by yourself." His voice shakes a little. "Which, I don't like the idea of."
"Why not?" I lie back down onto the bed, covering myself up and Castiel stands up and walks into the corner of the room, where the table is. 
"It just doesn't seem safe. I'm sure you can fend for yourself though." 

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