"I gotta. Mission Zouis has to happen sooner or later."

"Fine." I sigh. I lay my chin on my hand. Louis gets up and throws away our trash.

"Why don't you bring Harry. That loser would probably love to meet your family." I roll my eyes but agree all the same.

Greg texts me about the wedding when Louis coincidently leaves Subway. The wedding is on Sunday so I can call my work and request a 4 day vacation. I call my work as I head to my car and my boss allows me vacation. I drive to the grocery store and call Harry when I arrive.

"Harry?" I ask as I walk into FredMyers.

"Ya babe?" I blush. I grab a cart and hunt for the pickles.

"So I don't want you to think we're moving to fast but my cousin is getting married and I don't want to go alone, and honestly I would love for you to meet my family but we just got together yesterday and-"

"Niall, Niall, Niall. Hey it's fine, I would love to attend and meet your family." I let out a sigh of relief.

"You do?"

"Yes. Now when is the wedding?"

"Next weekend but we need to fly out on Friday. I haven't bought the tickets yet but you'll probably have to stay the night on Thursday because the early flights are cheaper." Harry hums along with my words. I smile at an old lady walking by with her dog in the baby carrier section of the cart.

"That'll work. Call me when you get the tickets."

"Alright." I hang up. I'm actually really surprised that he doesn't think we're moving too fast but I suppose we've lived like this before.


A week pasts before I know it. I have already booked two plane tickets and Lou said she would watch Pickles. Gotta love that woman.

Harry sets his bag down on the floor next to my couch. He lays down and smiles at me lazily. "Goodnight." I look at the clock and see its 10:30pm. Harry came over around dinner time so he can spend the night since tomorrow we're leaving for Ireland. I walk over to him and kiss his forehead.

"Goodnight." I flip off the lights as I walk to my bedroom. "I still can't believe you want to stay on the couch." I grumble.

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring loudly. I look to my clock but my eyes won't focus. I rub my eyes sleepily and read 1:02am. I roll over with a groan. I pray to God Harry is easy to wake up.

I go into the living room and smile at the sight before me. Harry's mouth is hanging open, loud snores escape him. He clings to the couch pillow like a Koala. I almost decide to let him sleep longer because of how peaceful he looks. Almost.

I poke his cheek and whisper, "Harry." repeatedly. Eventually he groans and rolls over. He rubs his eyes with tight fists.

"What?" His voice is scratchy and holy fùck. How is it humanly possible to sound and look that sexy this early in the morning.

I swallow hard and tell him it's time to get up. "Fine." He grumbles. He yawns, sort of resembling a kitten. He's so cute.

I go to the kitchen and pop in some bread into the toaster and fill up a cup of water. While it is cooking I brush my hair and get dressed. Something hard bumps into me when I exit the bathroom.

"Sorry." Still half asleep, I pat it's chest and walk away. When I get into the kitchen I fix up the toast and gulp down the rest of my water.

"Harold! I made toast!" I yell and eat my jam covered toast. Harry walks into the room and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you." He takes the plate from me. Wow, I could get used to this. Waking up with Harry and making him breakfast, even if it is just toast, and getting cute little kisses.

I look at the time and start cursing. We're running behind schedule. Harry looks at me weirdly as I run around the apartment getting Pickles' things. I walk over to Lou's apartment and drop off Pickles. I somehow manage to get an uber driver this early in the morning. When he shows up I shove all of our luggage into the poor man's trunk.

"Let's go you dork!" I tease Harry. He giggles as he gets into the backseat and I can't fathom how I got such a wonderful man in another life plus this one.


I must have done something amazing in my past life to make God love me or some shit because Harry and I got the window seats! We squeeze by a teenage girl and sit down.

"So we'll probably get there around 10pm. I texted Greg and he said he told ma that your coming so she's gonna be hovering you. Sorry about her." Harry chuckles. "My other brother Tyler is- he's a different story. We don't have the best relationship so... The rest of my family you don't have to worry about. They'll love you." Harry grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Alright love. Let's just take one step at a time. How 'bout you sleep. I'll be right here." I nod and lay by head on his shoulder. Harry plays with my hair and hums a song under his breath.


Hi guys! I honestly have no excuse as to why I haven't updated. But good news! I have an excellent epilogue in mind. I don't think you'll be expecting it but once you do read it I don't think it will be much of a surprise if that makes sense. I think this book will have 24 chapters.

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AOTD: I see that you guys have been commenting and voting and it means a lot to me.

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