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FEBRUARY 23RD, 2016 -

Even after Michael returned to America, he and Merlin stayed friends. The detective found someone and married her, ending up having two sons who got married and had children of their own. When Michael got too old to chase down the bad guys, he retired to Wales with his wife. There, they stayed with Merlin who was more than happy to take care of them.

One morning, at a frosty and chilly February dawn, they decided to walk along the old shores of Avalon, Merlin looking out wistfully towards the direction he knew the Isle of the Blessed lay. The three of them continued to walk along the rocks and packed sand, until Merlin saw something curious laying on the shore. He quickened his pace, leaving the old couple behind him, puzzled. As he got closer, he walked faster and faster, soon he was running. He could gradually see bits of chain linked together and a red cape embroidered with a golden dragon. He saw tufts of blonde hair and a pale face. It was his king. It was Arthur.


Merlin and Michael had helped carry Arthur back to the cottage and into his bedroom. They removed his armor and washed the dirt from his face before laying him on the bed, covering him with a blanket. Merlin could barely breathe or think as all of this happened. That familiar face of the man he loved-a face he hadn't seen in nearly 2000 years-was there, in his bed, in his home. He could feel tears though he couldn't cry. Michael and his wife left the room with solemn, sympathetic expressions.

After a moment of simply staring at Arthur, Merlin crawled into the bed slowly and carefully, afraid that the other man would vanish if he jostled him too much. He got under the covers and wrapped himself around Arthur's body so that his face was pressed against his chest. The king was surprisingly warm and Merlin embraced the feeling. A few tears finally slipped down his face and he soon fell asleep.

And what he didn't notice was how Arthur's arms unconsciously wrapped around his shoulders and his face turned to bury itself in Merlin's hair. It was then that they knew it would be alright.


A/N: okay so this story wasn't as great as I had wanted it to be. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. But I hope that the sequel (if I make one) will be better. (:

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