I'm Broken - Welcome Home (34)

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He held out his right hand and I took it graciously. I looked back at Grayson before I left. "I'll see you later?" He nodded with a small smile and walked back towards the kitchen.

Ax and I left closing the door behind us. We got in his truck. "So back to the bank?"

"Yes, please. I also have another small favor to ask. Could we swing by the grocery store and maybe the mall before we head back home?" Home? That had a nice ring to it.

"Sure Ellie. Wherever you need to go because I'm off today and don't mind one bit being your chauffer."

I was so grateful to have a friend like Ax. Noah wasn't kidding when he said he'd look out for me.

The trip to the bank didn't take long and I just needed to sign another piece of paper to set up my pin for the card. Next stop, the grocery store. This was all very new to me, shopping for food. I'm sure buying groceries is common knowledge but I've never had the need to do it. Ax helped me pick up appropriate food for 'teenage boys.' I wanted to pick up a cooking book too. After looking through several books and home magazines I settled on a handful. I would learn how to cook and properly feed these guys.

Ax's phone rings and he walks away from me so I couldn't over hear the conversation. I was actually too engrossed with my new surroundings. So many food options, I couldn't believe it. I probably looked like a kid in a candy store.

Ax is done with his call and walks over to me with my cart already exploding with so much food. I knew the boys didn't keep anything at the house. "I think I'm done?" I looked in my cart hopefully not missing anything.

As I was still contemplating what I purchased, Ax chuckles at me. "I think you bought the whole grocery store."

Sheepishly responded with, "Well, those boys don't seem like they take care of themselves and I honestly don't mind."

He gives me a light tap on the shoulder "You're such a good kid Ellie. Your parents raised you right." I tensed under his touch and he must have noticed because he took his hand off my shoulder quickly.

I gave him a small forced smile and he didn't broach the subject again. I would find the time to tell him about my story one day.

We finished our grocery shopping and loaded everything in the bed of his truck. Next stop, the mall. I've only been that one time with Betty. Betty? I should call her soon so she doesn't worry too much. I did promise after all.

We arrived at the mall and bless Ax. He told me he'd be waiting by the food court and to take as long as I needed.

I got a chance to go shopping on my own terms. I walked through two stores looking for an appropriate bathing suit. I settled on 3 different ones. One was a simple black bikini, the other one was also a green bikini. The bottom had a slight ruffle. The third bikini was a little more risqué. It was red and screaming for attention. That one I would put aside and wear when I'm a little more comfortable with the male species.

I couldn't help it. I'm a girl deep down somewhere. I wanted to take my time browsing buying several sweaters, two pairs of shoes and a heavier jacket since I knew winter would be here soon.

I had several bags attached to my arms and found Ax sitting near the pizza place. He looked up at me. "Are you hungry? You can get a bite to eat before we go back." I think I've already spent 2 hours away from home. "C'mon, we'll get you a slice of pizza." He pointed to a pizza place that had tasty looking food. I couldn't resist so I followed him there. I got this gigantic slice of pizza with everything on it. I must say it was an explosion of yummy.

Before we finished, Ax makes a call but I don't hear much of his side of the conversation except "Yeah, yeah. We're done. OK."

I gave him a quizzical look but he just brushed it off. "Ready?"

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