Just as he was walking outside, Ashton called from inside the house, "Hey Michael, where ya going? I thought you didn't have to work until five tonight."

"I'm getting mine and Luke's son!" Michael shouted and stepped back inside the house, closing the door.

"What do you mean?" Ashton questioned.

"I'm adopting a guinea pig."

"What? You can't just go and buy a pet! You have to make sure you can actually take care of it!" Ashton exclaimed.

"I'm going to take care of it!"

"Michael, you can hardly take care of yourself!"

"Well this is my child, and I'm going to raise it with care, and make sure he grows into a beautiful butterfly!" Michael said, making a rainbow shape in the air with his hands.

"That's not how guinea pigs work." Ashton said.

"Too bad, I'm still going to get one." Michael whined.

"Fine, but you have to take care of it, and if we get in trouble because of it, you have to take responsibility!" Ashton said just as Michael was walking out the door.

Michael closed the door behind him and walked to the car. He opened the door and plopped himself in the drivers seat. He put the key in the ignition and backed out the driveway.

Michael drove down the street and was heading for the mall. He reached for his phone in his back pocket. He opened kik and started to text luke.

Michaelgclifford: Our child is gonna be so hot.


Michaelgclifford: Ok, damn!

Michael loves it when Luke worries about him. It makes him feel wanted, or special. He can hardly wait until the moment when he can finally hold Luke in his arms.

Michael put his phone away and focused back on the road. Eventually, he made it to the mall where the pet store was. He parked his car and headed inside.

He walked into the pet store. He saw puppies and kittens in the store window. He felt sorry for them, and wished he could buy them all, but he doesn't have that kind of money. Not to mention, he would probably get in a lot of trouble if he had that many pets in the house.

"Hello sir, can I help you?" A woman walked over to Michael.

"Uh yeah. I'm looking for guinea pigs, do you have any?" Michael replied. Her name tag read Charlene.

"Yes we do! They are right over here." She qued for Michael to follow her.

"Also, I need a cage and food." He said while following her to the cage where they keep the guinea pigs.

"Ok. We have big ones and small ones, ranging from different prices, so whatever works for you," she paused when they reached the cage. "Here they are!"

"Awww they are so cute!" Michael bent down to examine the rodents. He wanted to pick out the perfect one.

"Let me know when you need anything else." Charlene said and walked away to greet another costumer.

Michael studied the little creatures scampering around in the clear cage. He saw a white one, a black one with a brown spot on its ear, a brown one and about three others.

Then, he saw the perfect one. It had a white nose with a patch of different shades of brown on its back, with a white butt. This is the one!

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