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I was walking on my way to school when a sudden wait launches itself onto my back .I smelt the fragrance of cinnamon and a hint of honey,I knew this scent anywhere.

"Marcelo." I smiled as he continues to lean against me.

"Morning Ash." He laughs.

I gently shrug him off with a small "morning" before we headed towards our school side by side. I couldn't help but glace up at the boy beside me. His fair skin,long soft brunette hair pulled into a low pony tail,and his beautiful ocean orbs that would always shine like crystals in the suns light. You'd think he was as girl at first glance because of his feminine features.

But that's not the only reason you'd be attracted to my friend. His personality is like that of an angel that was banished from heaven from being to "angelic". If there was a world without Marcelo, I wouldn't know how to keep on living in this twisted world we live in.

I can't stand the people here,only those whom I've grew up with like my parents friends,my uncles(Armin and Jean) and Marcelo. Not because of their stupidity but for the way they judge be ones sexuality.

My parents,my uncles are being ridiculed for their love. Just because they each have the same reproductive gene doesn't mean they can't love each other like a "normal" couple would.

"Ash?" Marc asks intertwining our fingers together. I restrain my blush so he wouldn't see. "You okay?"

I nodded then shock my head knowing I couldn't hide anything from him for to long. I told him my thoughts that lingered in my mind. Marcelo listened with understanding in his eyes. He and I are going through the same thing. Our parents are homosexuals, yes...but when you are born from a man it makes it a living hell for you.

"Moms pregnant." I sighed. My sibling(s) will go through the same. I can't allow it. I won't allow it.

"Eh? That's wonderful news. I know you'll be a great big brother!" Marcelo beamed.

"You think so?" I asked.

Truthfully I think I'll be terrible at such responsibility. What if I failed at protecting them? The "what if's " filled over flowed through my head causing a killer head ache.

Seeing me doubting myself, Marcelo squeezes my hand gently with a warm smile. "I know so."

I couldn't help but smile widely. Yup,he's defiantly an angel and to think I'm friends with such s pure hearted creature.

"What would I do without you?"I chuckled as I pulled him along.

Once in the school yard we were greater by a larger boy named Buck. He was taller than Marcelo and had messy blond hair and brown eyes that glare at us with disgust.

"Hey Gayger, you got my homework finished?" Buck asked addressing me.

"No ,do it yourself ."I sneered.

Buck grabs the rim of my shirt lifting me off the ground. "What was that Gayger?" He growls.

"Are you deaf or are you stupid,or both?" I replied glaring back." I said do it your self."

Bucks face grow red with anger as he slams me to the ground. It didn't phase me though. Sure it hurt but I knew fighting a meaningless battle won't solve anything. No matter how much I want to break this ass face's nose.
"Here take my homework Buck,just leave him alone!" Marcelo whimpers handing the jerk his finished work.

Buck snatches it out of his hand. "Thanks sissy boy." With that he enters the school .

Marcelo helps me up to my feet and pats the dirt off my clothes.

"You didn't have to do that." I sighed.

"But I wanted to. You're my friend Ash,I hate seeing you getting hurt." He says tears streaming from his crystal eyes.

I whip them away assuring him that I was alright. Then it stated. The calls of the students from our class echo through the hall.

"Marcelo and Asher sitting in the tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!"


"Go back to the where you abominations came from!"

My fists clutch against my sides wanting desperately to knock each and everyone of them out. But I must not show them any emotion. That is what they want and they sure as hell aren't getting it .

A hand wraps around my wrist and guides me inside. Marcelo tried to show no hint of hurt or sadness. Trying to be brave. Things like balls of paper or books were tossed at us but still we refused to break. Our class was empty since school doesn't start in a few more minutes. We head to our seats in the far back of the room,cloaking us in the shadows.

"Eight more hours to go." I sighed.

Marcelo reaches over and grips my hand with a all smile trying to comfort me. I return one but deep down my heart was frowning. Things won't change if we don't do anything about it but getting through the heads of bullheads takes a lot of knocking in to.

What can a kid do anyways?

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