Chapter 1

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Thunder crashed outside in a deafening roar. The sky lit up with the flash of lightning.

Zane sat at the window of Sensei Wu's tea shop and sighed, watching the storm. It was quite fascinating, really, the way the clouds rolled in the fierce wind and the lightning–

"You're quiet. Quieter than usual. What are you thinking about?"

P.I.X.A.L.'s form appeared across his vision. She was always able to read him easily, and she was the one who helped him remember himself after he rebuilt himself. Zane just couldn't thank her enough for all she's done and wanted to return the favor, but couldn't think how.

But that's not what he was thinking about. It was Cole who worried him. The Black Ninja seemed to be getting over his change and adapting to it, but Zane had seen the flashes of grief and self-doubt across his face whenever he thought no one was looking. He still mourned the loss of his physical form, even though it's been months now.

"It is nothing, P.I.X.A.L. I will be fine."

Yet he still didn't move from his perch by the window, and P.I.X.A.L. seemed dissatisfied with his response. She brushed it off, though, and left his vision, receding into the depths of his mind, leaving the metal man alone once more.

A crash from the back of the shop echoed, followed by shouting. Zane sighed again, as Cole, Jay, and Kai moved their argument to where he was sitting.

"Are you guys trying to get me killed? Remember, I touch water and then poof! No more Cole!"

"It was just a prank, lighten up! I wasn't trying to hurt anyone!"

"Lighten up, Kai? You almost made me phase outside! Into a storm! Again, water, plus ghost, equals poof!"

"Why does this always happen when Lloyd leaves? You two go at each other, and something gets destroyed! And Sensei and Nya left on some other special trip as well!"

Zane stood up, the arguing Ninja completely ignoring his movement.

"Brothers, please," he said, raising his voice slightly. "Let us not lose ourselves while Sensei, Nya, and Lloyd are gone. What happened?"

All three Ninja started talking at once again, causing Zane to raise his voice once more.

"One at a time, please!"

Cole cut off the other two with a glare and began to explain what happened, shooting more looks at Kai every once in a while.

"I was on my way to the bunker, you know, the one we have in case it ever rains and we flood out I won't be turned to sludge, when Kai jumps out of nowhere, dressed like Sensei Yang..." He trailed off and shuddered. "Anyway, it scared me so bad I nearly phased right through the wall and into the storm. This hothead nearly killed me! Again!"

Jay spoke up now. "Yeah, and in the resulting argument between the two, I dropped and shattered one of Sensei's tea pots! He's going to be livid!"

"Well," Kai started, "Excuse me for having a little fun! It's boring in Ninjago without something to fight! I have to do something so I won't die of boredom!"

The three started arguing again, picking up right where the left off. Zane pressed a hand to his temple. Though he was a Nindroid and was unable to get headaches, he sometimes felt that those three defied that rule. His head felt about ready to split open.

"Enough," he shouted, and all talking ceased. Zane cringed inwardly. It was a very rare occurrence for him to yell like that and he certainly did not enjoy it. But, outwardly, he kept his intimidating demeanor, trying not to let his reluctance of leadership show.

Trust and Happiness (A Ninjago Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz