Part 2 - Ball Breaker

Start from the beginning

The sniper used her weapon to swing around a branch and land hidden among the leaves. She raised her weapon and scanned for her first opponent.

Ren watched on as Nora engaged Nolan. He readied his weapons - green pistols with large blades pointing downwards.

Nora swung wide at Nolan's head with full force. The red haired man ducked, narrowly avoiding getting decapitated. Ren looked on in horror - Nora was going to end up killing someone!

But the Chinese styled ninja of team JNPR didn't have time to stop Nora. A bullet whizzed past his head, making his ears ring as it passed and slammed harmlessly into the mountain behind him. He glanced up at the sniper, wondering how she had managed to miss a stationary target, and begun to move towards her.

Jaune raised his shield, blocking Roy's strikes. His grandfather's shield withstood the blows easily, but Jaune was being pushed back.


A bullet raced past him, missing horribly and impacting a distance rock. The blonde haired huntsman scanned the tree line for the source - a sniper.

He panicked.

No one in his team was skilled in long ranged combat.

"RETREAT!" Jaune screamed as he desperately tried to regroup and strategise with his team.

Pyrrha and Jaune blocked the hail of poorly aimed sniper rounds with their shields as team JNPR retreated into the mountain and ducked behind some outlying rocks for cover.

"What do we do!?" Pyrrha looked expectantly at her leader - the man she loved. He poked his head up, surveying the situation.

The other members of BRNZ were racing towards them, laughing amongst themselves. May's aim was as terrible as always.

"Spread out! Try to keep moving!" Jaune ordered as he raised his shield just in time to block Brawnz's leaping claw attack.

May swore loudly to herself and reloaded. Every single bullet missed. The few that had hit their targets only hit shields. The sniper hopped onto the next branch as she tried to get a better vantage point, blaming her position for her incompetence. She carefully aimed and begun to track her target, calculating when to fire.

Pyrrha slashed wildly at Brawnz, forcing him to turn his attention away from her leader. He followed her as they ran into the forest, slashing and blocking as they went.

Ren rushed to attack Nolan, desperate to defeat him before Nora crushed his skull. He aimed his guns-

Nolan turned to the tree line and nodded-

Bullets rang out, impacting the ground, but with each shot the bullet landed closer to the green ninja of JNPR. Ren cartwheeled out of the line of fire and opened up on Nolan. The cattle prod user sighed and rushed Ren, absorbing the bullets with his aura. He reached the ninja just as he finished his cartwheel-


Nolan's cattle prod hit Ren in the side of his head, forcing him to stumble backwards. Blood rushed from the side of the ninja's head, his aura had taken a big hit.

The red haired hunter moved in for the finishing blow, ducking under Ren's kick and sweeping his remaining leg with the cattle prod.

Another loud clang. Ren's bones shook. His leg roared in pain. His aura just barely stayed over the limit as electricity jolted out of the rod and forced every muscle in Ren's body to contract.

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