"Are you rich?" Niall blurts.

"Maybe a little," he admits.

"Why do you walk to school then? That's a nice car!" Niall exclaims.

Marcel shrugs, "I just.. it doesn't really fit me."

"So you walk everywhere?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah kinda. Or I use my mom's car." He explains.

"What are you doing with a car like that in just sitting in your garage?" Liam says looking at him with wide eyes.

"My mom got it for me for my 16th birthday but it, it's a little too extravagant for my liking." He informs.

"You're crazy," I shake my head.

He chuckles, "apparently."

"Where do you sit at lunch? I never see you anywhere." Niall tilts his head.

"The way back," he pushes up his glasses.

"Do you sit alone?" Liam asks.

"Mostly, yeah."

"What why?" Niall frowns. "You seem like a pretty cool guy to me," he says.

He shrugs, "thanks"

"Well me and Niall could start sitting back there!" Liam suggests.

"Yeah!" Niall exclaims, smiling wide. "And bring a few friends maybe"

Marcel smiles.

"Yay!" I clap my hands, excited for him.


The bell rung loudly throughout the school and everyone begin to file out of the classroom.

"You know, I have a friend. And I think you guys would get along great. Maybe I'll introduce you two tomorrow," Liam smiles, putting his things into his bag.

"Maybe," he shows a small smile.

"He's friends with Zayn so he's a bit poisoned-"

"AHEM!" I exclaim.

Liam laughs, "Sorry, it slipped. Anyways, it'll take a bit of time but he's pretty nice and a really funny jokester once you get used to him." He explains.

"He sounds cool.." Marcel says.

"He is," he assures him.

"Jackie! We were looking for you! Why didn't you sit with us?" Abbie says.

"Because I have other friends then just you in this period," I roll my eyes.

"Yeah but-"

Mason walks over. "You haven't sat with us in two days," he says.

"I have other friends too," I say.

"Ok well, we'll see you two later! Bye Jackie, bye Marcel." Liam waves, walking out of the classroom.

"Bye Marcel!" Niall smiles, pulling him into yet another hug.

This time Marcel hugs back without hesitation, "Bye Niall."

"See you later Jackie," he waves.

"Later," I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder.

Niall follows after Liam out of the classroom.

"Thankyou.. for that," Marcel says, biting his lip.

"No problem. You should talk like that more, you'll get a lot more friends," I assure him.

He nods, "yeah.."

He grabs my elbow and stops me at the door, "Wait."


"Jackie.. I have to tell you something.." He says.

"Yes?" I pull my bag closer up my shoulder.

"I.. I um.. I think I.." He looks down and begins to struggle with his words. "I-I-"

It seems like now he only stutters with me when he's nervous. But I don't see why he's so nervous, it's just me.

"Jackie.. I think-"

Zayn walks up to the doorway. His eyes flickered from me to Marcel and he raises his eyebrow, "Jackie let's go."

He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the classroom, ignoring Marcel. I reach for Marcel's hand and pull him along with us, "Cmon, you can tell me in Study Hall."

Zayn rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything, as he throws his arm over my shoulder. His eyes go to our hands and he shoots Marcel a death glare.

Marcel abruptly slips his hand from mine and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, "S-Sorry." he mumbles quietly.

We get to the library and Marcel speed walks to his table further back. Probably trying to get away from Zayn as soon as possible.

"Where are you sitting? With that ner-" I shoot him a glare and he corrects himself "him.. are you sitting with him?"

"Yeah." I say, slipping out of his grip and walking towards the table.

Zayn looks between the two tables, unsure of which one he wants to go to.

Marcel looks up and smiles wide when he sees me come over, "Hey"

"Hi!" I smile, sitting my stuff down. I'm about to sit in the seat next to him but Zayn then sees and rushes over, sitting down in the seat across. And pulling me down next to him.

I huff. God he gets jealous easily.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I ask.


"Isn't it true you got detention today during fourth period?" I ask.

"Yup." He says.

"For what?" I ask.

"Punching a kid in the nose."

"Jesus Zayn, what did the poor guy do to you?!"

"He was annoying me." He shrugs.

"Well you're annoying me, does that I mean I should break-up with you?" I cross my arms.

His face hardens, "That's not funny."

"It wasn't meant as a joke. Stop beating up innocent people" I say.

"I didn't beat him up," he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever Zayn. Anyways I need to study, if you don't mind?"

He mumbles something under his breath as he gets up and walks over to the other table with our friends. I would stop him and tell him to repeat it but I'm not in the mood to fight.

I switch to the seat next to Marcel and pull out my books and things. When I'm settled, I look to him and see he has a look of amusement.



"Tell me!" I beg.

"You.. I don't know, you're just something else," he shakes his head.

I tilt my head, "I'm not exactly sure how to take that." I chuckle.

"I'm not really sure either, lets just get started on our work," he smiles.



I wish I could have a Niam :( *le sigh*

They're perf.

I'm about to update The Accident but sorry I haven't updated in like 3-4 days!:O


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