Chapter 9. Magenta

Start from the beginning

"Well, of course we had to talk about it. I asked her if it would bother her if I started seeing her son and if it would interfere with our professional relationship. She said quote on quote 'when you realize that Davie can be a bit of an idiot, please remember that I only produced half of his DNA. The idiocy comes from his father'". She explained, trying with futility to cover her snicker.

I had to chuckle, that did sound exactly like my mom. Her and Ana always told my father and I that the only reason Reimer men were still alive was because the Reimer women were constantly making sure they didn't do anything terminal. It also explained why she had been relatively quiet about my slow progress in the production of grandchildren; she already knew.

The woman was slick, I had to begrudgingly give her credit.

"Are you very close with your family?" Zara asked.

"Yeah. My dad and I are very close, we give each other a shoulder to lean on when dealing with my mom's insanity. And my mom and I argue a lot but we also watch the bachelor together ever night. Artur's a part of our family as well. I mean, it's like we are one, very big family. Artur's mom is allowed to discipline me just as my mom is allowed to discipline Artur. We all talk a lot and my father, Artur, Artur's dad and I go fishing almost every weekend during the summer."

"I wish I had that," She said softly. It doesn't sound jealous or resentful, but somehow it made me feel sad for her. "My dad and I aren't very close. He likes my older brother. My brother's a mechanical Engineer, but he didn't graduate top of class from MIT. He wasn't offered a scholarship from Cal-tech. They hate that. Because he's the boy he's supposed to be the smart one, the most successful one, the one who makes the most money. He's been a mechanical engineer for five years, I just graduated this spring and I make more money than him. They hate that. So he moved up north, got a job with one of the diamond mining companies and now he makes more money than me again."

I was incredulous, why was something that they should have been proud of such a big issue? Did her brother and father both have a micro penis or small man syndrome? "So they hate that you have an education?"

"No," she said solemnly. "I was always supposed to be educated and have a good job. Maybe become a nurse or a pediatrician or something that could be seen as domestic in their eyes. But I wasn't supposed to be what I am. I was supposed to me smart and successful, but not more so than the men in my family."

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't apologize, I don't like when people apologize for things like that. It is what it is, I don't cry about it at night anymore." She cast her eyes down, creating a shadow over her cheekbones with her eyelashes.

"Don't cry about it ever."

"You're so strange David." She said airily.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not particularly nice to you but you still pursue me and you seem to genuinely care." She explained.

I took her hands in mine, relishing in their softness. "You're a mean girl, and I think I like you a lot more than I should," I teased. "But I can't help it, I feel consumed by you. You're the most captivating person I've ever met."

She smiled. I lifted her up and repositioned her so that she was straddling me with her back against the tree. Her heart was hammering; I could feel the vibrations on my chest. My heart was beating ferociously. I ran my fingers down her arm, it was soft and smooth like silk. Her skin felt delicate beneath my touch and it evoked a sense of yearning within me. I yearned to feel her lips on mine, to melt into her and fit her into the side of my body. For months I'd stayed up late at night thinking of her, thinking of what it would feel like to have her this close and here she was, looking at me through her almond shaped eyes.

I traced the hollow of her collarbone with my thumb, nestling my face in the crook of her neck and breathing in her fragrant skin. We sat that way for a while, with her arms wrapped around me and my senses overpowered by her scent.

I'm not sure how long we sat there; maybe it was half an hour or maybe it was a couple hours. The sun was beginning to set. I could tell because at that moment rays of gold and red painted Zara's face in a way that made her absolutely mesmerizing. She was bewitching.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked. Could she hear the nervousness in my voice?

"Yes." She whispered. Her voice was raspy and seductive yet nervous and shy all the same.

And then I was kissing her, moulding my lips to the shape of her cursive mouth. Her breath was sweet and lingered at the back of my throat. Her hands lingered on my shoulder, tentative and shy. She was nervous and I was enamored. So I pulled her closer, showed her that it was okay to hold me the way I held her. Her hands grasped my shoulders, and then they were in my hair, at the back of my neck, and then pressed firmly against the back of my head. Gone was the shy prelude of our kiss; it was ardent now. Our mouths moved against each other so fluidly that I finally understood what it meant to form one soul with two bodies. I could have sat there for the rest of my life kissing her, but alas the sun had set and the sky was twilight. Our breathing was heavy and jagged when we pulled apart. She laid her head on my chest, synchronizing her breathing to my heartbeat until both were calm.

"I don't want to go home," she said.

"We don't have to." There was more bliss here than any place I'd ever called home.

A/N  ~~I turn to you, you're all I see, our love's a monster with two heads and one heartbeat~~

Please comment and vote, it let's me know someone out there is reading this which encourages me to write more! Although, in the last few weeks I moved and had 3 midterms all while working full time which is the reason for the long wait for the update. Next chapter will be posted  either Sunday evening or Monday morning if all goes well :) Also, what are your thoughts on David's softer, less vulgar(ish) side?

Much love,

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