Entry #1

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I stood there, staring at her cold pale hand. I fiddled with it a little trying to pretend it was alive. Trying to bring her back to life. But, she was gone. Mom disappeared into the wind today. You should've seen her. She was wearing a lovely yellow sun dress that had scrunched down at the bottom to make it look like the sun's rays. The dress smiled vibrantly for her. We had decorated her little beanie with flowers galore and put a ring of diamonds on her hand. She always said she wanted to look nice on the day that she would leave that smelly hospital. Well, she was beautiful. The most gorgeous and peaceful I have ever seen her was today as she lay on her bed. I watched as the nurses came in and unplugged the IVs and the heart monitor. I don't care anymore. I want her back. By some miracle, I want her back.

Her last words to me continuously wondered my mind. I can still hear her now saying in a cold whispered voice "Goodnight, Grace" as she drifted off to rest. She said it with complete knowledge that she was dying but with a slight hope that she would wake up again tomorrow. And I stood there hoping with her.

I remember the look in Caleb's eyes. I can feel the pain from his staring eyes begging mommy to wake up. He couldn't understand it but, I felt the pain for him. I still feel it. With all my heart, I wanted to run over to him and hold him and let him know everything was going to be alright. I wanted to tell him that mommy was still with us. But, I saw the tear come from his big blue eyes and trickle down his cheek.

"Mommy!" he cried out, "Mommy! Wake up! Wake up!" I felt the pain in his voice and fell to my knees.

"Ssshh ssshhh, Caleb, it's okay," dad said. His voice sounded like he was dying inside. Like someone was suffocating him. "It's okay. Mommy is still here. She's still with us." I watched him point at his chest when he said that. I couldn't say the same thing. I desperately wanted to believe it but, the truth doesn't change no matter how you try to plead with it.

Mom is gone

A Girl Named GraceWhere stories live. Discover now