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Turning on my MP3, I unsuccessfully try to block out the obnoxious sounds of wolf whistling and that annoying clinking of champagne glasses. It's supposed to be my birthday, but everybody is treating this like it's some frat boy's party in college. They're not letting the fact that I'm their leader's daughter detour them from making snide remarks about my blood, or from groping me under the overly crowded table. Seriously, not even me breaking their fingers and ripping out their nails will make them back the fuck off of me.

This is clearly why I'll never drink a drop of anything other than Seven Up or some Raspberry Fuse Tea. Also, that Sunny D' tastes pretty dang good too. Yummy...

"Aya Dracul, where are you?" an elderly man in a very vintage cape asks, his augmented fangs giving him a slight lipase.

"Present," I raise my hand, switching to my right hand to tear of this perv's pinkie before shoving it into his knee.

"Please come here," he nods towards me.

Bored out of my mind, I oblige and sigh as I try to remember the time schedule for my favourite Spike TV show. "Ink Master," that's what it is called. Dave is fucking hot.

"What do you want, Ransfield?" I cross my arms, standing an arm,s length away from him.

Ever since my dad gave him the Dark Gift, he's only gotten crazier. He still eats bugs, somemtimes even dog shit, but mainly bugs. One time, I saw him munching on week old roadkill. It was terrifying and disgusting. So yeah, I'm not getting close enough to touch him even if my life depends on it- thankfully, I'm immortal so it probably won't.

"We have a gift to you, Princess," he bows, moving his left arm to reveal something hiding under his cape.

If I have to approach him to get it, he can fucking return it to Wal*Mart.

"What is it?" I click my tongue, arms still crossed.

"Your first kill," he smiles serenely, gesturing towards his side.

I don't move.

"I've made plenty of kills," I roll my eyes.

"As a succubus," cue the giggles, "yes... But not as a true vampire."

"I assume that you have a human boy under there? Kill him yourself. I'm going to McDonald's and then to bed," I turn tail.

That's when he swipes back the black velvet with a crimson underside, showing off a boy from my class. Yes, I attend a human high school. If my memory serves correct, his name is Corey. He's on the chess team and is in the drama club, not to mention playing hockey and being the student teacher for chemistry. He's geeky, with a capital "geeky." From the looks of it, he's been charmed. Instead of panicking and crying, he just stands in front of me with his scrawny arms at his lanky sides. His chocolate brown eyes are dull and his plump lips are set in a straight line.

"Do you not like our offering?"

I turn to face my father, biting my dolled up lip as I take in his impassive expression.

"He goes to my school," I inform him.

"He is the same age as you and is in top physical condition," Father tells me.

"He goes to my school," I repeat myself.

"Bite him, Ayania," he narrows his own brown orbs.

Ayania is my full name and I fucking hate it. The only person that still uses is my out-of-date father. He, sadly, does not have an update notification- very much unlike my twitter app.

"Papa, if I do anything to him, it'll be erasing his memories and sending him home. I am tired. Good night," I say through clenched teeth.

Ransfield pushes Corey towards me, his front colliding with my back.

Oh my fucking fuckers, I can feel his peen....!

"I'll sleep on it. As for Corey.... He'll be staying in my room, so I know that nobody will be killing him until I decide what to do with hi-"


"Ransfield, be quiet," my father rips out his tongue.

Very sadly, it grows back half a minute later and Ransfield is left to growl at me.

"You have one night to decide his fate. think carefully," Vlad Dracul hisses, disappearing.

I so wish that I had inherited that power....!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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