chapter 2: Carousel; First Rehersal

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The next day, Kim told all the kids and teens to line up randomly in a line. She tapped each person on the head. Like this, one, two, three, four, five. Then she started from one again. She kept doing that until the end.

As soon as everybody was in there groups, Kim passed the scripts to each person.

"The name of your characters will be on the cover of the scripts."  Said Kim to each group. "If you all do a wonderful job, I will give you your dressing-room back."

Everybody got an anxious feeling inside. They would really have to blow the roof off the building in order to get there home away from home back. Then, Kim continued to talk:

"And, if you all don't suceed, you will never see the dressing-room again. And when all of you are prepared, we will perform each production at Radio City Music Hall."

'Radio City Music Hall! That's the best place to perform!' They all thought.

"Some groups will be practicing in the green room next door. And some groups will stay in this room, the blue room. Okay......Lily your group is going in the lobby."

Lily and her group clutched their scripts and walked off to the lobby.

"Patrick, your group is going in the green room,"

Patrick was sixteen. He and his group walked off quickly.

"Jenna, your group is going in the green room as well,"

They walked off quickly.

"And the rest of you are staying in here. Start practicing......Now!"

Samantha's group was in one big courner. They looked at the cover of the script to see what parts they got. Jeff, who was sixteen and the oldest, said his part:

"Okay so were doing ''Carousel' as our broadway musical. And the part I got was one of the main charracters, Barry Bigellow, and a strong man."

Samantha read her parts two or three times and then spoke:

"I got Carrie Pipperidge, and Louise Bigelow. We're totally gonna fail this."

She slapped her thighs. That was when the yougest one, Sydney, started to throw a tantrum.

"I always play the little kid parts. Hear this, I'm young girl number one and a dancer." She threw her script on the ground. An eleven year old girl named Alex, kneeled down to Sydney.

"Sydney, the show wouldn't fall into place if you weren't there. Those are really important roles you have."

Syney picked up her script. You could tell those words of advice helped her a lot. Julie was thirteen years old and she was Lily's younger sister. She She began to speak: 

"Guys, let's just start at act one. Jeff and I are supposed to be in love, so I want to get this over with."

Everyone laughed. They were all starting at scene one. Each person had to say their line again about three times. The first backround in the play was a circus. It was taken place in 1873. Thirty-seven years before the tweneth century. They practiced the scene millions of times. 

"So........I'm supposed to...............  ...and your supposed to rob a bank?"  Asked Juliette, who was very confused right now. 

"Yes, yes, yes! That what the script says." Says Jeff. Hitting Juliette in the back of her head with his script.

This eleven year old named Annicka asked a question:

"Hey! We haven't even gotten to that part yet. We have to keep going in order to get there!" 

Then Dylan, a nine year old boy said:

"Guys, stop fighting. Who here wants the dressing-room back?"

The rest of them raised their hands. They wanted the dressing-room back more then anything.

"Then come on,"

He continued.

"We're all gonna finish this musical. So you guys, just-just-....."

Kate interuppted him. She really wanted to talk for once.

"Start from the very begining. And if you mess up say your whole line again. Dance like no one is watching you, sing like no one can hear you, and act as thuogh you went into your characters body."

Eveyone knew she got that from the banner in the green room, but they needed someone to say something comforting. They weren't exactly perfect, but they were a lot better than earlier.

"Aright, let's work on that move one more time. We have to kick out right leg and clap. And half of you don't do it when we sing the first number."

Said Jeff. Sydney said after a couple of minutes that she wanted to quit. Once again, Alex had to talk to her. It was very annoying.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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