Chapter 1

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"Can I get your ID please miss". The teller said.

I gave the bank teller my id and my check.

Finally my first check. At the diner k tonight $300 thank you.

"Miss are you sure you're 18". He questioned me.

"Yes sir. That's mine My name is Dyonce Walters".

I mean I don't know why he would ask such a question. I mean sure I'm short like 5,1 but it still okay. I have light brown hair and a small figure.

"I'm sorry mam".He said.

"No problem".

Should I feel offended, That he called me mam. Am I that old?

I took my cash and drove myself back home. Jesus why is there so many traffic now.

As I walked in I smelt the sweet aroma of Apple pie.

I dropped my bag on the couch and made my way to my mom.

"Hey mom". I said as I went over and kissed her.

"Hey honey how was you're day at work".

"Busy but it's alright thank god today is my last day". I said.

I head into my fridge and grabbed my chocolate ice cream with my whip cream.

"Mom where's dad."? I asked

"He's staying late at work today, you know a meeting". She said.


"Well mom I'm going up to my room, so if you need me you know just knock".

As I was walking up the stairs my mom called my name out.

"Oh and Dyonce".

"Yes mom".

"Asia's in your room".

"Okay mom". I said as I continue my journey to my room.

I opened the door and instantly regretted it.

All my clothes were thrown on my bed. All I saw was Asia in my closet picking out suits and dresses.

"Oh nice of you to tell me you're coming over".

"Oh please Dyonce".

I searched for my computer under the storm of clothes and turned on my MacBook.

" So what are you gonna wear". Asai asked me while I was logging into my Facebook account.

"Wear? Where am I going that I need to pick something". I said as I too a spoonful of my ice cream.

"Umm, it's Alpha Blake 20 birthday party. It's said to be the biggest party ever". She informed me.

"Oh okay, well I'm not going so I don't really care".

As soon as I said that Asia brains popped out of the socket.

"What do you mean you're not going. It's going to be the biggest party in town you have to come". She semi yelled.

"Let me think about it"."No."

I replied as I scrolled through my timeline. Please put some clothes on sweety I thought.

"So what are you gonna wear this dress or this one Asia motioned to me".


She came over and shut my laptop down.

"Are you fucking kidding me". I said semi screamed.

"Come one please Dyonce if you go I'll buy you a double chocolate donut when we come back".


I grabbed my two piece dress and made my way into the bathroom.

I started my bath I dropped my bath bomb and started.

I quickly got my shaving cream and smeared  it all over my leg and I began.

20 minutes after.

Asia and I has already token a bath.
Currently my makeup was being done by her.

She gave me a bold look with a dark a eye shadow and red lipstick she added a little highlighter and blush to make to look even better.

I curled my hair. And added my piercings.

We over checked our self in the mirror.

After finally finishing I headed downstairs.

As I made my way down the stairs I saw my mom and dad watching tv.

"Mom and dad I am going to be at the party for Alpha Blake".

"Okay hun". my mom said.

"Young lady where are you going in that skirt". my dad asked.

"Ugh here we go again".I thought.

I mind linked my mom to help me.

"It's okay Hun go ahead your dad's a piece of work".

Thanks mom. I mind linked her.

We finally made our way to the party. As I parked up we got up and made out way to the party.

As we reached in Asia and I made our way to the bar and got two Hennessy.

"Cheers". we said together.

We quickly took the shot and began the party.

It was 12:00 Alpha's Balke official party.

he told us to get the party started.
He left and I'm guessing going back where he came from.

Asia and I were currently dancing to our song. We were twerking and singing and overall having a good time.

As we were continuing I smelt the most amazing scent I've ever smelled before in my life.

My wolf told me that it's my mate.

I searched eyes for who this magical person was.

As I saw who it was I instantly regretted it.

It's him Alpha Blake. Really moon goddess you couldn't do any better o thought.

I made my way over to him and he made his way over to me.

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