He begins driving and after about 15 minutes of him driving about 10 miles above the limit, we arrive to an ice skating rink.

"An ice skating rink? You must really want to see me fall on my ass." I say and he chuckles.

He turns to look at me and begins speaking. "We are going on a date and you are now going as my girlfriend, no take backs." He says and my eyes widen.

"I have no say in this?" I ask, still astonished that he wants to claim me as his girlfriend.

"Nope." He says, popping the 'p'.

"Well that's one way to do it.." I say.

"It is isn't it?" He says as we walk towards the entrance.

He pays for me, but I tell him that he doesn't have to. Little did he know I have a whole lot of money saved at the old house that I put in a vase and I took all the money and put it in my purse before we left. I saved about 200 grand in a matter of 3 years.

"As your boyfriend, I am entitled to pay for you. No buts." He says, and I laugh.

"Butts are for farting" I say and he chuckles.

"Knock-Knock" he says, as we get our skating shoes in our sizes.

"Who's there?" I say, as we walk towards the bench to sit and take our shoes off.

"Cows go." He says, and I put my first shoe on, as for him, too.

"Cows go who?" I ask, tying the last knot after putting my last shoe on.

"No, silly. Cows go moo." He says, and I stare at him dumbfounded. I them burst out laughing as he looks at me with a big foolish smile.

"Was it that funny?" He asks.

"No, it was too stupid to not be funny" I say, getting my last chortle out.

"Okay, whatever. Now get up we are going to skate!" He says like a little boy.

"Are you sure you're 23?" I ask, and he nods, chuckling.

As soon as we step on the ice, I cling on Harry for dear life.

"Jesus, Raisa. Release that death grip of yours, I've got you." He says, taking my hand in his large one and steadying his pace.

"It's simple..," he begins slowly. "Just act like you're running, but don't split your legs apart too much. Start slow." He says, and I mimic his actions, slowly getting the hang of it.

"There you are.." He murmurs as we skate at the same pace, me getting excited that I haven't fallen.

And as if the gods of jinxing had heard me, one of my legs goes flailing in the air, and I feel my body about to fall, but Harry catches me, smiling at me as he looks me in the eye.

"I told you I've got you." He says and I steady myself on the ground.

"This is really fun, as long as you don't fall." I say and he laughs.

*30 minutes later*

"These shoes are literally killing me." I say as we head towards the exit, and I take the shoes off before stepping on the hard floor instead of the ice.

"How was that for a first date?" Harry asks, smirking.

"It's not a complete date without food, everyone knows that." I say and he laughs, a beautiful laugh that I've come accustomed to.

"Patience darling." He says as we put our shoes back on.

We leave out the exit of the arena and Harry's hand finds his way around mine.

"It's like they're made for me.." He mumbles to himself, thinking I wouldn't hear, and my stomach erupts with butterflies.

He opens my door for me and I smile.

"A gentleman, are we?" I say.

"Always." He says, a cheesy smile on his lips.

"I hope you like Applebee's, cause that's what I'm craving." He says.

"Craving? What are you? Pregnant?" I ask.

"No, but I can get your bitch pregnant." He says, and I laugh.

"I have no bitches, Harry." I say and he says, 'right'.

"Alright get out woman, I'm hungry." He says shooing me out the SUV after opening the door for me.

"I'm paying, and I swear if you don't accept that already, I'm going to eat your asshole." He says and I laugh.

"And I'm suddenly not hungry anymore." I say and he chuckles.

"Oh, lighten up. It's our own little joke anyways." He says and I nod, agreeing.


After eating and me keeping my mouth shut about Harry paying, we leave Applebee's and head home.

"Thank you, Harry." I say, letting up to kiss his cheek, but he purposely turns his head, my lips landing on his.

"I'd rather lips on mine, than on my cheek. Now come kiss me, woman." He says, and I put my lips on his.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm lowkey getting feels

Okay I've decided on 4 ship names.

You can comment on which one you want!

Here they are:






All the love D.

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