Chapter 19

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I walked the remaining steps toward him, raised my right hand and smacked it against his cheek.

“What the--” he uttered, gaping at me. “What was that for?”

Well, I really didn’t know what that one was for. It just came to me. “You…” I had to think fast. “You left. And now I’m leaving. Please forget about everything, Dr. Newman. It was all a mistake. Good night.”

Though my feet led me away from him, I wanted to go back and kiss him on the lips. I wanted to do everything we did that night without the effects of alcohol.

But I made a promise to Cara. I would never have sex until I was back in my own body.

“Cara,” I heard him call out but I forced myself to keep my head straight and not look back.

As I walked inside the warmth of the hospital, I realized what I did was right. I was certain Dr. Newman didn’t like what I did and I was certain I would never have another chance with him after everything. It was an easy out for me. If we wouldn’t be together, I wouldn’t be doing something that Cara would hate.

Danica pulled me aside the moment I walked inside and her mouth just went on and on about how toxic her day was. My attention only went back to her when she mentioned that I had to take care of the same patients.

I was in panic when I finally managed to get away from Danica for a while before the endorsement. I immediately dialed Cara’s number.

“I thought I was going to call you?”

“This is an emergency. You really need to help me.”

“What is it?” I could almost taste the alarm in her voice.

“I will be taking care of two patients.”

“Which means you will be taking care of intubated patients.”

“Yes! And I don’t know anything about intubated patients!”

“Wait right there.”


“I’m coming over.”

And just as I turned around the corner to get back to Danica, I saw Dr. Newman enter the unit, his face red and his eyes piercing mine.

What did I ever do to be punished like this in a day? I just had sex!


I drove as fast as I could. This was what I had feared would happen. I rarely get toxic patients and I was quite confident Bridgette wouldn’t face such difficult cases. But this happened and I had to make sure I was there.

A plan formed in my mind as I drove my way to the hospital. My phone rang a few times but I ignored it.

When it didn’t stop, I checked and had to curse when I saw Quinn’s number. What did he want now?

I could hear Bridgette talking in hushed tones with Dr. Newman.

“I’ll be back in a sec.”

I didn’t want to hear what they were talking about. I just couldn’t.

“What?” I asked the moment I took his call.

“Where are you?”

“On my way to the hospital. What do you want? If you are going to ask about what happened, don’t bother. If you are going to ask about the wedding, it will happen if you just give me the time and not pester me in the middle of the night.”

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