Chapter 2

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The steady beeping sound brought me to consciousness. I tried to open my eyes but they felt too heavy. I tried to move but all I could manage was to twitch my fingers. The beeping continued. Where was I? I tried smelling my surrounding but something was lodged in my nostrils. I instantly managed to figure where I was. The beeping, the soft pillow and the nasal cannula—I’m in the hospital but this time, I’m not the nurse. I am the patient.

I tried to make a sound but my throat was too dry it hurt to even manage a groan. Focusing my attention back to my eyes, I managed to peel my lids off from each other and was immediately blinded by the light. Overwhelmed, I closed them and tried once more the moment I recovered. This time the light was tolerable. I could see flowers at the foot of the bed. Then I saw a black-haired girl bent over some papers, sitting in front of the service table standing against the wall. It must be my nurse. But why was she here? Did I need that much attention? What was the extent of my injuries? Since I couldn’t move my head, I figured I was wearing a c-collar.

I tried to feel my body and after a few moments I gave up. I couldn’t feel a damn thing. I groaned again and this time, a sound came out. The young lady looked up and smiled when she saw me looking at her.

“You’re awake!” She shot to her feet and I realized she was not my nurse. She was wearing dark jeans and a large gray shirt. She approached me with weary, as if she was afraid I was going to pounce on her. Well, not at my state. She must have seen the confusion in my eyes so she explained, “You’re in the hospital.”

That I’ve already figured out. Go on…talk some more. What happened? Are you the driver of the car that hit me?

“Thank God you did not acquire a major injury, just three stitches on your head. Your friend is okay too. She had a few stitches as well but I think you’re the first one to wake up. Mom and dad said they will be dropping by soon but you know them…soon is not always what it means…”

She lost me from the moment she mentioned ‘mom’ and ‘dad’.

 “Hooo…” I croaked. That did not come out right. I was trying to ask who the hell she was.

“What?” She frowned.

“Who…” I finally managed.

Her frown deepened. “Who? Me? You don’t remember?”


“Bridgette, I think you’re tired. You should get some sleep.”

Bridgette? Did I hear her right? I tried to tell her she was talking to the wrong woman but my body couldn’t hold on. It wanted to shut down once again. I fell asleep with the thought of Bridgette somewhere in the hospital.


I did not dare open my eyes. I knew I was in the hospital. The beeping sound of the monitor was very familiar. I had seen and heard the same thing in various movies and television shows. A constant snoring bothered me though. Was I lying in a ward with another patient? I had to get the nurse to transfer me to a private room immediately.

The snoring became louder and I groaned. I was not sure if the sound came out of my throat but it worked. The snoring stopped immediately and I felt someone holding my hand. It must be mom…or dad. But I knew it was unlikely. So it must be Lorraine. I tried opening my lids and when I did, the throbbing intensified. I had to close them again but before that, I caught a glimpse of a man with curly, graying hair staring at me.

I didn’t know who he was but I was pretty sure he was the one holding my hand. If he was a doctor, I swear doctors didn’t hold their patients’ hands the way this man held mine. Who the hell was this guy? If he was someone from the psych department who luckily got away to enter rooms of sexy and beautiful patients, the hospital would face a lot of legal issues the moment I could stand back on two feet.

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