Chapter 1

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I walked the busy street, pushing my way through a crowd of people carrying their cups of coffee and pretzels. My stomach ached for food but I had no time for that. I was really running late for an important meeting with an important client.

Okay, I admit. I didn’t really know who my clients would be—I was just informed by my secretary that I had to meet them immediately because the couple I had to meet were important. Sara…Cora…Lara—whatever my secretary’s name was—would never joke about it. She had learned from experience how I could be if I was ever misinformed or misguided.

As I walked to the building where my office was located, I tidied my skirt and looked at my high heels. They were gorgeous as always and I hoped they matched my loose white silk blouse tucked neatly into my black skirt. I checked my watch once again and ran to the closing elevator. I pushed my way into the packed space and smiled at everyone. I always knew that acting nice while in an elevator packed with all kinds of personalities would always be the best option. My usual behavior towards humankind would only leave me without peers when things went wrong.

The moment we reached the fifteenth floor, I was standing with two gentlemen who were carelessly eyeing my legs. I gave them my Bridgette Finn look—my come-and-try-but-you’ll-die-trying look. I breathed a sigh of relief when the two of them went on the opposite direction.

“Coffee, Cora…” I ordered as I stepped inside the office.

“Lara,” she corrected in a very low voice and scurried off to get me a cup of coffee from the pantry.

“Are the clients here?” I asked before she disappeared.

“Yes,” she nodded. “They’re already in the conference room. I already gave them refreshments,” my petite, red-head secretary answered.

I nodded. “Get me the profiles and bring them in,” I ordered as I made my way to the conference room.

“But your co—”

“What are you waiting for?” I arched my brow, showing my impatience. “And where’s my coffee?”

The poor girl stammered, closed her mouth, turned and walked back to her desk to the profiles.

I entered the small conference room directly in front of the reception area. A practiced smile was already pasted on my face along with the words, “A pleasant morning!” Never apologize for being late. That was my golden rule. I never apologized.

I didn’t dare look at the couple as I made my way at the head of the table. I didn’t know what to call them yet. The answer to that problem laid on the papers my secretary was taking her precious time retrieving.

“Good morning!” a sweet voice answered. It was the bride. I pretended to be busy looking at my planner on the table. I was planning on giving my secretary five more seconds before storming out the room to fire her when the papers came.

Their names were printed on the front page. Quinn Carter and Natalie Higgins.

My heart literally skipped a beat and I think I might have suffered a very small heart attack seeing the names. Actually, it was just the first one that struck me cold.

Slowly, I raised my eyes and for the first time in many years I saw Quinn Carter.



I closed my eyes as I slowed down the hall. I forced a big smile on my face before I turned around and said, “Hi, Mrs. Fowler, how are you this morning?”

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