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Let us start off with this,

To establish one of the myths that most people believe; when you sneeze, your heart momentarily stops.

I have done my research, and I can state that, it is not true.

'When your chest contracts because of a sneeze, your blood flow is momentarily constricted as well. As a result, the rhythm of your heart may change, but it definitely doesn't stop.'

-some site.

The more you know.

And then, there are some people [me] who pinches their nose when they sneeze. I know that it's bad for your eardrums as even though there is a low chance of having hearing loss, it is not impossible.

It has become natural instinct for me to pinch my nose before I sneeze, it's bad for my health, but I can't help it.

From experience, when you sneeze whilst pinching your nose, the feeling of your ears blocking, your nose hurting, your stomach dropping, your body jerking, and as if your chest started to hurt and your heart just stopped.

It's scary.

Then this popped out of my mind.

Like, what if...

What if there was a chance that your heart stopped beating when you sneeze with pinching your nose.

Like, the lack of oxygen your nose collects may affect the beating of your heart. Which, it all collectively results to - no rythm, no beat.

It's as if a heart attack occured after feeling those ridiculouse after effects of sneezing.


It was a stressing day, just like every single day of your life ever since you understood how reality works.

And your mind wasn't working.

And what to do than to spend the rest of your day looking through the impeccable things that you see in the internet.


Cozying up in your pile of comforters, lying down on your left side, holding your phone with both hands, you scrolled through tumblr and then watched some videos in youtube.


You feel your chest contracting, waiting for the upcoming sneeze. Your hand starting to come and pinch your nose to hold your sneeze, your eyes squinting a little, your mouth opening into a gasp.


Your body jerked into a fetus position from the sneeze. You grasped the shirt as if it was grasping your heart. You gasped for breath.

You feel as if you're gonna die if you were going to sneeze another one. 'It hurts.' Your mind is throbbing a little, you pinched a little hard on your nose, and it's like you see red everywhere. Your eyes tearing up a little bit, and there's that upset feeling in your gut whenever you sneeze.

'T-there's another one.'

It's doing it again, your body is repeating the same thing again. And you feel as if your heart can't take it anymore.

Your heart feels as if its locked inside a tiny cage, trying to escape.

'It's too much.'

... Silence ...

Waiting for the sneeze...

And that's where you ended up not sneezing.

Your heart now free from the sneeze.

Your conscious now sleeping.

Your hand not having the will to hold your phone.

And that's where you ended up not breathing.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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