Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V.

I followed Ryan, staying close to Niall, feeling all gazes of the group land on me. Niall rested a hand on my shoulder as if reassuringly, I watched as Ryan introduced me and Niall, their gazes staring at me.

Gosh, I hated it when people stared at me, it made me feel like I was being judged and that I was weird.

The group all gave smiles, not what I was expecting, which made me relax slightly. They weren't judging me and they certainly weren't going to laugh at me, but I could never be too sure.

"Aw, look at the one with dimples" A girl with short orange hair coo'ed as Ryan lead us towards a place we could sit among the group, I looked at all the people covered in ink, smoking, pierced and with heavy make-up. But some others looked normal, there was a guy with light blonde hair that had absolutely no ink or piercings

"He's so shy" another girl snorted next to the one with orange hair, my cheeks warmed.

"Ignore them" A voice said just by my ear, a hand landing on my lower back, Louis.

I instantly relaxed at Louis' presence, keeping my eyes on Nialls back as we made it to where we were going to sit. 

"Here we go" Ryan grinned in success as he had managed to actually walk in a straight line towards where he was previously sitting. Liam and Niall instantly sat down beside Ryan, leaning against the wall behind them, Louis joining them not long after, his skateboard leaning upright against the wall aswell.

"Are you going to sit princess?" A rude blonde guy said, who currently had the joint Ryan previously had, he had light blue eyes like Louis' but his were bloodshot and were cold.

"I erm..." I blushed as I looked to the ground, where there were loads of fag butts and all sorts of rubbish, the floor looked too dirty to sit on. Niall chuckled, only now realising my problem.

"Harry isn't one for sitting on floors" he spoke for me, I felt nearly all eyes on me. Louis' especially.

"Louieh! Give the princess your skateboard!"  Ryan demanded, giving me a weird look. Louis rolled his eyes at his friend and placed his skateboard down so I could sit next to him, on the skateboard. Well, it was better then the floor.

"Here, Haz" Louis eyes widened after calling me 'Haz' as if he didn't even expect it to slip out.

"Thanks Louis" I blushed once I had sat down. All eyes were still on me, making me scratch my forearm, I hated when people stared at me, it made me nervous and self-conscious.

"They're jerks, ignore 'em" The blue eyed boy whispered in my ear, I shivered as I felt his breath against my neck.

The whole time we remained here, I felt uncomfortable and awkward. I didn't fit in with Louis' crowd, I knew that. I didn't smoke or have any tattoos. I didn't want to be here, but I felt almost obligated to come. The only thing that made me feel slightly was watching Louis pull some tricks on his skateboard on the half pipe-I had to stand while he did but it was worth it-his face was of pure concentration while doing it, making him look really cute.

"Hazza, you alright?" Niall questioned, placing his hand on my shoulder, I was sat on Louis' skateboard once again. Louis was off with Ryan, smoking with the rest of the weird group, me and Niall slightly sitting outside of the circle. We were being ignored.

"Yeah, I just..." I tried to think of an excuse for my skittery attitude but couldn't think of anything, also Niall gave me a look as if to say 'dont lie'

"Im just really uncomfortable Ni, I dont like it, there are too many eyes on me all the time, I don't belong here" I whimpered out, I felt tears build up, I was that stressed and self conscious. All these emotions were flooding in all at once, I didn't like it.

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