2 Chord

459 16 1

July 27th 2039

Mia's POV

            Since my last show, I feel as if things have definitely shifted. Demi and I have been home together basically ever since my last show and I have been enjoying it. I love getting to wake up next to my wife every morning and have nothing to do. Levi is still away on base in California and Kenzie is home from school for the summer.

            For now she is going to be going into her junior year at UCLA. She is studying photography and she seems to be enjoying it. Levi is very much in love with being a Marine. He always talks about it and enjoys it. Now for Miss Michaela, she is going into her senior year of high school. She's like her classes queen bee and I don't like it.

            When school is in session, she is barely home. Michaela is always out, either with friends or she just stays late at school. On the weekends she comes and goes without telling Demi or I about where she is going. Demi is ready to lose it. Right now that doesn't matter because Demi is in Los Angeles with Maddie. Michaela is staying with my parent's house because I'm in Miami.

            Demi is on a weeklong trip with Maddie just to get away from all of Michaela's craziness. Her get away just happened to be during the week I'm away for business. So we both basically left Michaela at home. I know my parents will keep her in line for the week she will be there.

            Why am I in Miami you may ask? I'm here visiting a friend and maybe making a business deal. My plane just landed in Miami and my car is taking me over to Lauren's house.

            The last time I saw Lauren was at my last show. I haven't really spoken to her since except the last couple of days. I have been hearing rumors from people about how artists in the industry weren't happy with their labels. Then I got this crazy idea.

            When I pulled up at Laurens house I saw her sitting outside reading a book, what else is new. I grabbed my bags and shut the trunk before walking up to her. Still in her own little world Lauren didn't notice me.

            So I dropped my bag on the ground making her jump. She looked up at me and I gave her a smile before she put her book down and jumped up to give me a hug.

                        "Ugh god, we don't see each other enough." Lauren said.

                        "Yea, we don't. You should come move to Texas. I know Ally and Normani would be happy to see you guys more too." I said.

                        "Well Camz and I love it here Mia." Lauren said and pulled away from me.

            I didn't say anything else but pick up my bag off the floor. Lauren took her book and led me into her house.

                        "Are you sure it's okay for me to stay here?" I asked as I followed her over the threshold of her house.

                        "Yes Mia, I said it was okay. CAMZ! My second wife is home." Lauren yelled after I shut the front door.

            I had to hold in my laughter as I saw Camila come around the corner. Both Lauren and I knew that if we weren't happily married to our wives, we would have ended up together. Even Camila and Demi knew that. They have this conspiracy theory that we have cheated on them with each other, but we haven't.

                        "It's nice to see you Mia." Camila said and smiled at me before giving me a hug.

                        "You too Camila." I said and pulled away a few seconds later.

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