Jump Chapter 10

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When I wake, I yawn and turn over to find Kaine so close that my lips brush his nose. A blush creeps across my face and up to the tips of my ears as his eyes flutter open from the accidental gesture of endearment. He grins long and wide at my flushed face, his dimple making an appearance.
"Oops," I mutter.
"It's okay," Kaine replies. A beat of silence passes and his brow furrows.
"If you could take it back, would you? The kiss I mean." I can hear the question in his words and try to read his facial expression, which is completely closed off.
"No," I admit quietly.
"I would."
"Here, I'm giving it back." Kaine pretends to take something off his nose and presses his hand to my lips.
"See? I gave it back," he says, removing his hand so that I can speak again.
"But why?" Even I can hear the disappointment in my voice. His dimple pops out again as he smiles at me.
"Is kitty sad now? Awww," he teases. I smack his arm lightly in response.
"Don't worry, I just thought that kiss wasn't enough for me." Kaine hooks his arm around my waist and lowers his forehead to mine. My breath catches in my throat. This is it. He's going to kiss me. He breaths in and I close my eyes leaning closer.
The sound of his laughter makes my eyes open. Kaine releases me from his grasp and I feel tingles where his arm was around my waist. He gets up off the bed still laughing, wiping tears from his eyes.
"What?" My surprise is evident and this makes him crack up all over again.
"I'll be right back." Kaine chuckles and leaves the room. I hear his laughter still and the sound of a blender being brought out. My blush returns, a fierce heat compared to how cold I feel in his absence. How could I be so stupid? I'm the misfit, why would he ever want to kiss me? I'm a fool. Of course I can never fall in love. No one would ever love me anyway.
A tapping on the glass tears me from my thoughts. Curious, I walk over to the window and look through.

Kaine's POV
I laugh to myself. That kiss Kat was so eager for comes after breakfast. I pour the smoothie I made for her into a glass and insert a straw. I walk in the room eager to see her pink face, flushed from embarrassment. Instead I find her standing on the open window's sill. A breeze rushes in, and her hair ripples in it. The glass drops and shatters from my hand, but she doesn't notice.

She's to busy jumping out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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