Suggested Chapter 2

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I sat up, shaking. Hopefully the Scanner didn't read my dream tonight. After making my bed, I grabbed an apple and took a bite. Oh, how I hate this fruit and vegetables diet, but everyone my age and up are on it. All kids under 18 eat fats, or junky food, (I call it good food) to grow, and 18 up eat healthy food and exercise to stay our optimal weight. The other thing about being 18 is I'm alone. No one in my family is left anyway. My mother and my sister were taken to RC years ago, before I could remember. It's only thanks to my father that I remember I have a mother and sister anyway. I'm alone for now, until a male is assigned to my apartment. Once he moves in we have two options- fall in love, or just be housemates. At least that's what The Recovery tells us. Along with the male comes an order, option 1 or 2. They call it a Suggestion, but we're not allowed to resist it.
My permanent living partner should arrive today, and I honestly could care less. I've already decided to never fall in love. It might just be wishful thinking, but I'm almost certain we'll have option 2. I've never been good with friends anyway. No one wanted to befriend the girl with brown hair touched up with blonde highlights, the brightest green eyes, and a nature to sit and think. Everyone would whisper something about how weird I was as I passed them, not bothering to hide their obvious dislike. While others go outside to hang out, I sit inside. Other times I write poetry or draw. Both are against the rules as they could contain hidden meanings for a resistance.
"Would you like to watch your Dreams?" My Scanner beeped and I walked over to tap yes. My heart thumped as I waited for the projection. Would I see my father again? Would I get sent to RC? The lights faded to black and my Dreams began.
I was frolicking in the grass and sniffing the flowers, almost like I was a kitten. Then, in Dream 2, I helped out at a hospital, comforting children.
The lights snapped on again and my Scanner beeped before shutting down. Oh dad! Of course he would make me a kitten. He must have changed the dreams for the Scanner to pick up so I wouldn't get sent to RC. So I could save my sister.
There was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath, realizing it was my new housemate. I swept my long hair to one side of my neck and opened the door. The breath I took was a waste because it was stolen away. Before me was someone who could only be described as beautiful, even though he's male. He had brown, curly hair, striking blue eyes, and was tall and lean.
"Uh... Hi?"
"Hey," Pretty-Boy said with a toss of that curly mop. I cleared my throat. "So..."
"Well.. I'm your new roomie, Kaine. The Recovery sent the Suggestion with me. Here," Kaine handed me the letter, which I tore into. He was much taller than me, so he leaned over my shoulder and read with me.

Kaine Collins and Katherine Lorey, we are very glad for your finding each other. Your Suggestion is that you give love a chance to spark. Our calculations show that you would produce healthy offspring. Congratulations,
The Recovery

"What?!" I exclaimed. Kaine remained quiet. They can't just treat us like we're animals to be experimented on. I can't say this out loud though, as it might be called resistance.
"Katherine, it's what was Suggested," Kaine quietly spoke.
"It's Kat," I snapped. Woah. Not his fault, remember Kat?
"Okay. Put those claws away Kitty, I'm not the enemy here." Kaine cracked a crooked smile and a dimple popped out.
"You're right. Sorry, I'm just having an... interesting day." I need to cool off. If I continue this I might be sent to RC.
"Well I just found out I'm living with a ferocious kitten with a temper, and that I'm somehow supposed to fall in love. We're in the same boat here Kitty Kat." Kaine looked like he was holding back a laugh. What is up with the pet names anyway? (Pun intended) I mean they're cute, but he's gonna run out sooner or later.
"Whatever." I grabbed one of his bags and dropped it off in the one bedroom.
"I assume I'm on the floor?"
"I should've brought milk. I could have used it when the claws came out." Great. I'm stuck with a guy who may be sort of gorgeous, but thinks he's funny.
I went to my corner of the room and took out the bag with my drawings in it. Trying to be discreet, I snuck out of the room and found the linen closet. After shutting the door behind me, I got out the pencils and paper my dad gave me before he left. I have no idea how, but I'm glad he got it. When I draw, I travel to another world. One with my whole family, one with freedom, one with friends I never had in this world. I surprised myself by starting to draw Kaine. This was fairly difficult, considering the shape of his cheekbones, as well as his jaw. Then there's his eyes. A blue that's mysterious. Like it has the ability to change color in an instant. Almost like an ocean storm. Don't even get me started on that hair. His face slowly formed on the page under my pencil. Once I was satisfied, I shoved it into the bag with the other drawings and crawled out of the closet. Noticing there was a corner peeking out of the bag, I tucked it in as I walked- straight into a wall. I'm such a klutz. As I fell back in a daze, I landed in something soft. I was caught in the crook of Kaine's arm as he looked up. Confused, I looked up as well. All around us, white papers floated down to the ground. All my drawings had fallen out of the bag when I ran into the wall. Reaching up, Kaine caught one in his hand, and, lucky me, he got the drawing of himself. I closed my eyes briefly and then looked at his face. I almost laughed at his facial expression. He has no filter; I could see the gears turning in his head as he figured out what to do with the drawings. My breath caught in my throat as he looked at me.
"Please...don't say anything to The Recovery," I pleaded.
"I'll make you a deal. You stop drawing in the closet and only on an actual table, and I won't tell. Deal?" Kaine looked at me with such intensity, I squirmed in his arms.
"Deal." I took his hand and linked our pinkies. "Now make a fist with the rest of your fingers and kiss it." We did so, then unlinked. "You have now made the sacred pinky swear. You can't ever break the promise, or terrible things will happen," I said as I sat back with a smile on my face. "The kitten will get her claws out," Kaine smirked. We were smiling as we cleaned up the drawings.

Hey guys! So I hope you enjoy this chapter, and the book; it's my baby :D

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