People Are Idiots

Start from the beginning

"A demon named Abbadon." I had such anger and sadness in my voice that it actually sounded believable. 

Damn Ava, you're good at this.

"I'm so sorry... the only good news I have for you is that we killed Abbadon. So you don't have to worry about her anymore." Sam smiled at me. 

Such a sweet little boy he is. 

"That's... that's just fantastic! Thank you!" I said excitedly. 

I jumped off my seat and then jumped on him and gave him a big hug.

Just at that moment, Dean walked in. '

"Hey, guys..." He trailed off. 

"Hope I'm not interrupting something." He smirked at his brother. 

Just as he put down our food I jumped on him and gave him a big, tight hug. He awkwardly hugged me back and asked, 

"What's this for?" He let out a quick laugh. 

"Thank you, thank you so much," I whispered in his ear. 

"For what?" He asked curiously. 

"For what you did to Abbadon." I felt him stiffen a bit, then loosen up. 

"No problem, sweetheart." It seemed that he was really happy about getting thanked. 

I don't believe hunters get thanked that often. He hugged me back tighter than I hug him like he really needed it.

After we ate Sam and Dean had a beer and talked. I did a little more research. 


After a while, I started to feel and fell asleep on their couch.  I felt a blanket get put on me as I drifted off.

 It's weird how easily I connected with these guys. 


Sam's Pov

"She's been through a lot," I told Dean. 

I've already told him her story. At least someone was happy about what we did to Abbadon or more like what Dean did. 

"Yeah she has, but that's the curse of being a hunter. We all go through a lot of shit. The question is; Are we taking her with us on the hunt tomorrow?" Dean asked me. 

"I don't think we can stop her from going." We both laughed. 

I actually like her. 

There's something special about her...

and I have a feeling that we won't get rid of her easily...

-------- The next morning

Ava's POV

I stretched my body and made a weird screeching sound as I woke up. 

"What the hell was that?" Dean looked at me weirdly with a humorous smile. 

"I make those sounds when I stretch. I'm like a cat." I smiled and meowed at him, I could barely hold back my laughter. 

Dean just laughed and sat down by the table beside Sam.

"So any news?" I asked them. 

As I sat down in front of them. 

"Looks like the werewolf is hiding here," Sam said and pointed at a location on the screen. 

"How do you know for sure?" I asked them. 

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