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I remember back in 8th grade we had a softball unit in PE. My team only won one game, lost like 6, but it was a pretty fun team. I think our team was: Lydia (team captain), me, Jake, Andrew, this girl Kaypria, and a couple others that I forgot. (sorry guys)

The day I remember particularly was our last day of softball, and just our luck, we would be playing Cameron's team. He had Braden, who could hit a home run every time, and a whole bunch that I don't remember either. Oops.

I remember...

"God, fucking, shit!" Cameron screamed, throwing his hands in the air as Jake caught the ball midair, therefore getting Cameron out immediately before he could even make a run for first base.

Jake smirked. "C'mon Cameron, watch the profanity. There are children around." He smiled and eyed Braden pointedly. After a couple seconds everyone stared at him and Goldie, realizing all attention on him, blushed.

"Hey! If anyone, you're the child Jake, or should I say-"

"Only I can call him Jakie, Bray-Bray." Lydia interrupted. She looked to Jake to find him smiling shyly, a blush tinging his cheeks a light pink.

"Aw, I ship it." I piped up, making at heart at both of them. Lydia rolled her eyes but jake's blush only grew deeper.

"Shut up Al." He shook his head at me.

"Hmmm...now what would your ship name be?" I continued.

"Al, please." Jake said and I could tell he was fighting a smile. I ignored his request, obviously.

"Ooh, I know. Maybe...Lake! Or, uh, Jydia or Jaydia. Maybe..."

"Al, cut it out. We don't like each other. And we definitely don't need ship names." Lydia said, though she was suppressing a laugh.

"Alright fine...Jydia." I smirked and they both groaned.

I actually did ship them. They would be cute together, even if they both didn't think so, but they were both too stubborn to even think about the fact that one could ever even like the other back. Oh well. It sucks because Jake could have ended up liking her and she could have liked him back, but he had gone to another high school and they never really saw each other again after that. That was the end of that ship...

"Hey, what about you and Braden, Alli?" Cameron yelled from his seat on the bench. Annnnd the smirk was wiped off my face.

"What in the fuck, Cam? Me and...him. No way."

"Yes way."

"Not even half way."

"All the way." Cam winked. "You two make a 'home run' together."

"What..." Braden asked blankly. He might have not known what Cam was talking about but I definitely did.

"Ok no!" I said, storming over to him. "You shut your mouth Cam Dal or I'll shut it for you. Permanently."

"How exactly are you going to do that, Al-"

Suddenly the earthquake drill alarm sounded through school and since we're were on the field we just had to sit around.

Braden sat with Cameron and they put their feet together with their legs spread so they could pass the ball between them.

Lydia and I watched them and I snickered and whispered, "What if Braden just threw it super fast at Cam and..."

"That. Would be. Amazing."

"Hey, where's the other half of the bromance?" I asked, looking around across the groups of kids scattered along the field.

"Playing with grass." Lydia said.


"Literally, playing with grass."

Suddenly I found Alex sitting alone at first base of his baseball diamond, ripping the grass up from the ground, dropping it, and repeating.

Lydia and I both laughed and continued to watch Braden and Cam do their thing. Then we were called in to roll call order as the rest of the classes filed out of the school for 'evacuation'.

Blah blah blah, don't need to talk about the 20 minutes we say waiting in the blazing sun so.

Anyway, we got back to our field and it was a couple of the other kids' turns before Cam stepped up to plate again.

This time he swung and hit a home run. Jake, as the short-stop, tried to catch the ball but it rolled past him at high-speed and headed towards Andrew.

It sped past Andrew too and in an attempt to stop it from going any farther, Drew used the tactic that he always did...throwing his glove after it.

"Drew that never works!" I yelled after him as he ran strangely to go get the ball.

At first base, which was where I was, I turned just in time to see Cam barreling towards me and taking a sharp turn towards second.

"Shit!" He called out and soon I could see him trip and put his hands out to stop himself from falling.

I looked to Lydia who was playing right field behind me and we both burst out laughing. We had never seen Cam be so clumsy twice in the same day, but earlier he couldn't even catch the ball Jake sent flying straight towards him.

At the end our score was like 10-20, obviously, and Cam's team burst into cheers.

"Woooo Cameron!!" Braden cheered and turned around to twerk on Cam.

Suddenly, our of nowhere, Alex was there and he shoved Braden out of the way. "No! That's my job!"

Before we knew it Braden was flying backwards into Lydia and I and we went crashing to the ground, Braden screaming all the way down.

"Really?" Lydia said, clearly not impressed. I pet his golden locks soothingly.

Then we were all called in to tell the teacher our scores. Alex turned around and glared at us along with Julien and Theodore Mastersin, his team captain.

"You messed up all my home runs Allison! Everytime you threw it back to our field they would catch it and I'd only get to third base."

"Well that's farther than Alli will ever get with anyone." Braden teased, and I smacked him.

"OW. He muttered, but I ignored him.

What a great day.


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