Ch. 11: The Truth About Tamia Osborne

Start from the beginning

"Okay tell me," she comes back into my peripheral vision trying not to smile. "Asia I know what you did but it's not important. You have to promise me that'll you believe anything I tell you," I look at her with sserious eyes and she nods frantically.

"No you have to say it," she rolls her eyes. "Fine, I'll promise to believe you." Okay now where do I start? She breaks my concentration with her constant foot tapping to get my attention back to her.

"Okay, Asia I'm really Harry Styles," she stops her foot tapping, "Aw it's okay Tamia...whoa wait a minute! What did you say?" she shouts in my face since she was going for a hug because she thought she had to comfort me but didn't notice what I said.

"I'm Harry Styles," she looks at me in disbelief and starts to laugh. "Tamia, no! You can' him because...that's not...even...po...possible," she stops between her words because she's giggling up a storm at my secret. I mean first of all that's just plain rude for her to laugh at me after promising that she'll believe me and second I know it's possible because I'm living in this girl's body for some stupid reason.

"Asia you promised to believe me!" I snapped at her after her laughing dies down. "Tamia you can't tell me hilarious things like that and expect me to believe you," she starts to laugh again. I exhaled through my nose, staring at the ceiling. That was hopeless, if this was a show a lightbulb would've been over my head because I thought of something.

"Asia ask me anything about me, Harry and I'll tell you anything." She gives me a weird look, "Okay Tamia I'll play along," she waves her hands to patronize me. "Okay what's your favorite color?" really something so basic...whatever.

"Blue and orange, next question," I snapped my finger at her to continue.

"Your sister name?"

"Gemma, give me something hard that's not internet based." she rolls her eyes but nods and tap her ffinger against her chin to think. I wait patiently until she scares me with a uproar of "Ooo I got it!"

"Lets hear it then," I study her every move because I'm really eager to hear her question.

"Okay and I know Tamia is going to agree it's true because she believes it," she stops to smirk at me because she thinks she haves me. Wait, she bet not be talking about.

"Is Larry true?" I groan and make my eyes go cross because this is just stupid. "No it's not true!" I rub the temples of my forehead and letting out a few muffled curse words.

"Okay your answer can possibly be believable but I don't know," she rubs her chin.

"How about this, I can tell you why I was rude to Mia?" I try and she nods.

"Well actually it's because of Larry," I stop to put air quotes around it but she urges me on with her hand. "Anyways management told me that I have to date Taylor Swift to throw off the shippers but I really don't want to date her and was furious. So when we went to the Meet & Greet, I was still upset and irritated and of course here comes Mia to help me release that anger," I look up at her to see her with her mouth wide open and her eyes to match.

"You weren't lying," she says softly but breathlessly. Damn, I still have the ability to make girls breathless. "So wait if you're in Tamia's body that means,"

"Yes she's in mine," I concluded, nodding my head. "Lucky bitch," I laugh softly and she laughs with me.

"Makes sense, since you have your hair like that." I rub my curls self consciously and she waves it off. "No it's cute like that but Tamia would never do that. Anyways how did this even happen?" I shrug because I still don't know.

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