Chapter 14

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I woke up early and felt Juliet still laying on my chest. I patted her back softly trying to wake her up. I heard a small mummble from Juliet. I tried to sit up but her body would not budge a bit. "C'mon princess its time to wake up." She mumbled again in response to me. I held her and sat up. "Daddy nooo" I heard Juliet say under her breath. Gosh she was so complicated. First she doesn't want to sleep now she doesn't want to stay awake. "Baby how can I wake you up?" I said kissing the top of her head. She had messy hair from waking up.
She moved her face out of the way of the sun.Wow, my little princess really didn't want to wake up today. I laid her down on her back next to the edge of the bed and got up. I went to her room and picked out clothes for her. I came back and she was under the covers once again. "Nu uh princess we are going on a date today so you have to wake up" I said pulling the covers off the bed. She covered her face with my pillow. This was going to be a lot tougher then I hoped it would be. I grabbed her legs and pulled her to the edge of the bed causing her to giggle.
I grabbed her hips and kissed her neck."time for a shower" I said gently in her ear. She just shook her head. Oh well I was going to have to do this myself. I picked her up and took her to my bathroom. I set her on the counter and go a bath started. I put a ton of bubbles in it and looked over at Juliet. "I'm going to take you a shower okay?" I said walking up to her. She just yawned and nodded.
I lifted her hands above her head and took off her shirt. I poked her little tummy and she giggled. She grabbed my face and kissed my forehead "daddy I can get undressed and get in the bath all by myself." She smiled at me I just nodded. She hopped off the counter "aye daddy close your eyes you aren't allowed to see!" she shrieked. I couldn't help but chuckle and finally cover my eyes. She was getting undressed but I couldn't help but peek a bit through my fingers. Damn, her body was flawless. She sank into the tub and splashed around. "I'm ready for the bath time now."
I kneeled down next to the tub and began washing her. I traced my finger along her side causing her cheeks to get a deep red color. She was blushing so hard it was adorable. I got a brush and combed through my princess's hair. She just yawned "daddy is it going to be a big girl or little girl date?" She said looking at me curiously. "Both" I said trying to take a knot out her hair gently. I finished washing her up and got a fluffy towel. I picked her up from out the tub and wrapped the towel around her.
I showed her the dress I picked for her and she shrieked. "I'm hoping that means you like the dress?" I asked with a chuckle she nodded her head and hugged the dress tightly. She analyzed the dress intensely, pointing out every thing she loved. She loved the dress and I was glad. She put it on and curtseyed to catch my wandering eyes. She was breath taking. The top of the dressed wrapped around her frame in a white silk while the bottom flowed out. She went of and put on heels and jewelry.
I went to my closet and put on one of my many suits. I matched my tie with the pink on her dress. She walked in the closet giving me a small smile. "Daddy don't I look cute? I feel like such a big girl." She said giggling and spinning around. I grabbed her hips and kissed her neck "Princesss you look enchanting. Remember your mine though, alright babygirl? I don't want anyone else to have you." I said kissing up her neck gently. She did a hushed whine. "Daddy don't we have to go?" She asked peering up at me. Oh damn I didn't want to be late "Shit you're right let's go." I said grasping her small frail hand in mine.
We walked down the stairs and were met by Sebastian. "Sir Gusteau's will be opened by the time you get there as planned." Sebastian said smiling. Juliet shrieked "Oh my geez Gusteau's is like so fancy you need a pre-set reservation and I heard the waiting list could take up to a five whole months! How were you able to get a reservation?!" She looked at me with the largest eyes. Aww "Princess Daddy has connections don't worry about a single thing. This date is going to be the best." I chucked. She was so astondid by her new lifestyle yet she kept her composure quite well. You could still tell she wasn't used to being taken to fancy restaurants because she couldn't keep still when we got in the car.
I held her hand during the drive "Daddy I still can't believe we're going to Gusteau's I've always read about it but I never thought I would one day be there. Gosh could you order for me? I'm not sure I even know what's good on the menu. Can you believe they got the highest rating ever?! It's so awesome." She kept talking about it the whole ride there. Her excited face grew pink "are we there yet?" She asked continuously.
We finally stepped foot in the restaurant and were imediatly greated by a server. "Mr.knight its an honor to have you. We already have your table reserved." The server said in a preppy tone. Juliet stared in awe at the interior. I tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She snapped back to reality and followed the server to our table. It was secluded and dimly lit. This was usually my table when I had business to discus but today it was all for my princess. She quickly sat down and patted the seat next to her motioning me to sit there.
The server took our drink orders and left us with the menus. I could hear Juliet's excited giggle as I tried to order. I looked at her and she got immediately quiet "sorry was I being to loud? I can't be quieter if you want." She rambled on so I patted her leg and smiled "Do you see anything you want?" I asked. She nodded quickly and pointed to a hamburger on the menu. I chuckled. Juliet seems to be the only girl in the world that could be taken to a five star restaurant and still order a cheeseburger. I nodded and kissed her forhead. The waitress came to take our order. Of course I ordered Juliet's cheeseburger but I ordered myself a seafood soup.
Juliet looked up at me "thanks Dante" she said. Woah calling me by my name in public. I grabbed her theigh and leaned in close to her. "Remember princess you call me daddy. Just because we are in public doesn't mean you aren't my princess" I said whispering in her ear. She blushed and twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Okay...Daddy" she said quietely. I noticed her begining to blush. I'm proud my baby girl is getting more comfortable with me.
Our food came and Juliet picked up her burger with her hands looking over at me. "Is it okay to eat like this here?" She asked looking at me for approval. I nodded and smiled. "You just be you princess. Eat anyway you want." I sipped my soup softly and Juliet ate her burger. Juliet wiped her face with her napkin and waited for me to finish. She got my spoon and took a sip for herself. She crinkled her face "yuck. Daddy food is not yummy at all." She said in a whisper. I startled laughing.
We finished the meal and I paid for it. "Best date of ever daddy!" She said staring up at me. I patted her hesd and said "Little one the date isn't over yet. This was just the big girl half of the date, the little part is coming soon." Her eyes got huge. "Oh My Gosh you are the best Daddy in the whole wide world! I love you so much." I chuckled and picked her up kissing all over her cheeks "I love you to princess, more than you could ever imagine. Now are you ready to go to build a bear?" She heard the words build a bear and shrieked. She began nodding nonstop. "LETS GO!" She said grabbing my sleeve and running towards the car.
A/N here's the next chapter hope you all liked it. I tried to make it extra long and adorable. I know people barely read authors note but in case anyone is wondering yes Gusteau's is a reference to the Disney movie ratatouille.

Little PrincessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt