"No. No no nonono." I whispered. I slid off Bear's back and dropped his reigns to the ground, trusting that he'll stay in one place. I knelt down next to Sumer and turned her over. I couldn't see where the bleeding was coming from but when I put my hand behind her head, my fingers turned red.

I jumped as I heard leaves crunch behind me, but when I turned around, it was only Aries. A flash of anger surged through me and I stood up stepping towards him, but my anger was already gone and I just grabbed his reigns and tied him to a tree. I bent down next to Sumer and picked her up bridal style. I swung her onto the saddle, and untied Aries's reigns, holding them in one hand and swinging onto Bear's back behind the saddle. Tucking one arm around Sumer to grab the reigns, I clicked my tongue, following the path back through the woods.

– – –

Sumer's POV

– – –

I woke up in a white room, a hospital room. I glanced around and lifted my head, but quickly laid it back down again, wincing.

"Sumer?" Grey's voice.

"Grey? Wha–" My voice trailed off as I remembered what happened. I reached my hand to my forehead where I felt a bandage that went all the way around my head.

"Sumer, you fell into a tree," Grey explained to me.

"Yeah I– yeah." His eyes searched my face.

"Does it hurt if I touch it?" He asks me, placing his hand on the back of my head. I winced and leaned off his hand.

"Yes, stop it!" I said, laughing and smacking his hand away. He grabbed it to keep me from hitting him and pulled it in by his chest.

A nurse bustled in, saw that I was awake, smiled, and scurried back out of the room again, probably to go get a doctor. Grey's phone buzzed and he glanced down at it, then frowned.

"My mom wants me home to cook dinner," he said, dropping my hand.

"You cook?" I asked, skeptically.

"Yes," he said sighing. "I cook."

I smiled at him as he walked away and a doctor came rushing in.

– – –

Grey's POV

– – –

I got out of my car and walked up to the front door, spinning my keys around my finger. I unlocked the door, stepped inside, and locked it behind me.

"Grey? Is that you?" My mom's voice called from her bedroom.

"Yes mother!" I called back.

I turned the corner into the kitchen and almost jumped over the stove when I saw a girl standing at the fridge, searching for something to cook.

"Oh yeah, Grey? Emily's here for dinner," my mom yelled through the house.

"I figured that out mom! Hey Emily."

"Hi," she said, smiling wide at me. "We're cooking your mom dinner tonight."

"Like any other night," I mumbled to myself.

"So I was thinking we could make noodles from scratch and there's a ham in here so maybe we could cook that up to," she suggested, gesturing to the ham in the fridge.

"Noodles from scratch?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah. I think it'd be fun."

"Okay, chef Emily." She was already getting out flour and a bunch of other shit, as I cleaned the counters. I've never actually made noodles from scratch so I had no idea what to do once I finished cleaning so I sat and looked at Emily. Her medium length, dirty blond hair flinging everywhere as she whirled around the kitchen. She looked at me and smiled. Her eyes were a light shade of green and they were almost grey. I didn't know grey eyes were a thing. And her teeth were perfectly lined up and shining.

"So," she said, clapping her hands. I blinked. "Look up a recipe or something on Google."

I blinked a few more times. "Okay."
I found a recipe that looked professional and started putting the ingredients into a bowl.

"You forgot the flour," Emily said, and when I looked over she threw a fistful of flour into my face. I blinked it out of my eyes and looked down at my flannel shirt, now covered in white.

"You did not," I said, smiling and taking two fistfuls. I threw my left hand at her hair and my right at her shirt. She glared at me and flicked a spoonful of sugar into my head. I searched the counter for something worse then that and my eyes landed on the eggs. I picked one up, quick as lightning, and smacked it flat on her head. She screamed and did the same to me.

"What are you guys doing in there?" My mom called. I glanced down at the stick of butter in my hand.

"Nothing, sorry mom." I put the butter down and helped Emily clean the floors.

"So," she said when we were finishing up. "I heard Sumer's in the hospital? Is that right? I heard it was because she fell off her horse and hit her head. I mean..I'm not surprised she could pull that off, she knows she can't ride. And she definitely doesn't deserve that horse from her uncle, I mean, why would he give that scum of a person that horse. Don't you think so? Way to waste thousands. Like she doesn't even–"

"Stop," I said, surprised she would say that. I mean it's Emily, I didn't know she had a bad side to her. But my confusion soon turned into boiling hot anger, hotter then the pot of noodles boiling on the stove.

You can't punch a girl Grey, you can not punch her, I repeated to myself over and over, before walking out of the kitchen and out of the house.

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