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Oh how I dreaded High School. Specially Greenwich High School that made me want to dig a hole and bury myself alive.
I have been made fun of ever since I was a kid. Unlike the other girls in my school, I have thick thighs and a round curvy body and above all that, I am like five feet and six inches tall. Like being fat wasn't bad enough. I was the female version of Hagrid, with my dark brown shaggy, curly hair. There's one way to put it, I was a walking disaster.
Every kid in school used to call me 'Flabby Patty', well because of all my flab. At first, I used to be so offended that I'd cry for hours locking myself up in my room but thankfully I have spent almost all of my high school years being invisible. Nobody barely notices me anymore so it's all good.

I looked at myself in the mirror and grimaced. My hair never fell into place no matter how many times I combed it. The only good thing about my face were my green eyes, I got those from my Dad.

Sighing, I threw my backpack over my shoulders and made my way downstairs to get breakfast. Mum worked as a consultant in some company. She joined after Dad died five years ago in a car accident. It hasn't been the same ever since. I barely get to see Mom anymore as she is always working. I guess that's her way of coping with Dad's death.

I walked into the kitchen and saw the yellow sticky note on the fridge. Gone to work, will be back by 9. Love you, Mom.

Suddenly I lost all my appetite and changed my mind about having breakfast. It was almost time for my bus, so locking the front door behind me I started walking towards the bus stop which was only two blocks away.

First day of the last year of High School. Finally, I'd be out of that hell hole and I'll go off to college and maybe for once make friends and have a normal life.

I had to wait for five minutes before the bus showed up. I was the last kid to get picked up, so always sat in the front seats, fortunately away from all the bullies. Ugh, I hated my school to that extent that I wished it would explode with everyone inside it.

The first person to spot as I walked down the bus was Avery Samuel. With her perfect auburn hair that smelled like cranberries and her dimpled cheeks, Avery was my only friend at school. If you call listening to another person talking about themselves occasionally being friends, then yes, she was my friend.

"Patty!" She waved excitedly from a distance and everyone turned to loom at her. I hated when she drew attention but she did it on purpose. Guys loved her and she made sure they did.

On the other hand, I hoped the stay invisible for another year but being around Avery was a little difficult to do so. "Hey Ave," I whispered tucking my hair behind my ears."

"You look nice," she smiled at me, her hazel eyes dripping with joy. One thing I liked about Avery, as much as she loved being complimented, she was always complimenting others as well. I mean she even said nice things to me and I was a the queen of loaded bullshit.

"Thanks," I muttered and forced a smile. Without another word, I walked into the school halls. It smelled like wet floors and detergent, like it had been just mopped.

"Wait up Patty!" Avery panted behind me her heels ticking upon the wet floors. "Slow down."

"I need to grab my schedule for this term," I said letting her catch up to me.

"We'll go together," it sounded more like a question so I nodded.
We were always meant to get our class schedules from our advisor, Angie Hamilton. Besides Avery, she was also the only friend I had.

"Good morning Angie," I smiled as we walked into her office. Surprisingly it wasn't packed with students like it normally was every first day.

"Morning girls," Angie's face lit up as she looked up at us. Adjusting her glasses, she grabbed two pages and held them out to us. "These are your schedules."

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