Chapter 18: Karma

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 I stumble back up the stairs to Lindsay's house and push open the screen door. I search for my coat and find it on the couch where I left it. I snatch it and I'm about to go out the door, not even knowing how I'm getting home, when I hear a sneering voice behind me.

"Well, well, well." I turn around to see Lindsay crossing her arms over her chest, sneering at me. She's wearing a Santa costume too. No doubt it's for Ricky. "Look who decided to show up," she says. "Trying to embarrass me again?" I'm silent as I face her, feeling like grabbing her and throwing her across the room. "See you hooked up with Sir Fags-A-Lot," she says.

I don't need my brain to tell me that she's talking about Oliver, but how does she know we kissed? Did she see it?  "Stop calling him that," I growl, staring at her angrily.

"But that's what he is," she says. She suddenly leans in close and smiles at me mockingly. "Aw, is little Amanda crying?" she asks. "Did your and nerd boy's fight end badly?"

"How do you-?" Then it hits me. "Lindsay, did you plan all of this?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" she asks, looking at me like I'm crazy, but I know that underneath that, she knows what I'm talking about.

"You planned this," I say, my eyes widening. "Did you make Ricky say all of those things to me? Did you tell him to kiss me? Did you know that that would make Oliver hate me?"

"What can I say?" Lindsay says, not even trying to hide to the pride in her voice. "It's a good plan, right? And honestly, Amanda, I seriously thought that you could do better than that."

"Oliver is better, Lindsay!" I yell, making a few people turn around. "Better than the douche bag that's humping you!" I hear a few gasps as people look at Lindsay.

Lindsay's face is scared, terrified even, but then it grows as red as a tomato. I smirk, knowing I've got to her. "Excuse me?" she hisses. "I'm not the one who sleeps with nerds for fun and then lies to her best friends about him."

"Well, I'm not the one who sleeps with her friend's boyfriend who happens to be the captain of the football team and cheats on her own boyfriend who's still in jail on death row as we speak," I snap. "I'm not the one who doesn't even know the boy she's sleeping with is cheating on her with Ashley Marks. I'm not the one who thinks she's so much better than anyone else when, really, she's just a dirty, slutty piece of trash!"

I gasp, trying to stuff the words back in. Everyone is looking at Lindsay now, some expressions hold shock others hold amusement. Some people look at Ricky who's sitting on the couch, sitting up, his face red and his eyes wide. Lindsay is looking around the room like a deer caught in headlights.

"Lindsay," Rose says from the banister, "is that true?"

"I-" Lindsay cuts herself off and slowly turns to me. I've never seen her so angry. I think her eyes are going to pop out of her head. Her mouth is twisted into a snarl, like a dog's. And for a moment, she looks really and truly ugly. For a moment, she looks how she is inside.

"You bitch," she snaps, and her hand suddenly connects with my cheek, making me drop my coat. The slap leaves a stinging sensation on my cheek and I hear people gasp. Before I can process what just happened, I feel my face splashed with a cup of alcohol. I gasp as the drink runs down my face. I open my eyes, blinking them a little to see Lindsay smirking at me. Before I can clock her in the jaw, Ricky is standing over me and dumping his drink over my head. My hair is soaked with beer. My Santa hat must've fallen off my head outside.

Lindsay suddenly shoves me backwards and I collide with a body. I turn around to see Vicky Mains and she splashes me with her vodka. She shoves me into someone else who laughs and shoves me into someone else who overturns a keg on me. This seems to go on forever, people shoving me and laughing, splashing me with drinks.

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