"Then do it or prove me right about you two being good lapdogs to your boss lady." I commented, trying to keep my voice steady and free of fear.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? But this way is more painful to you. You're gonna suffer in excruciating agony for as long as you live." The man with the knife stated.

"Then it won't be long. Once she's finished with me, she'll kill me." I reply, unflinching at his words.

"Now, you're catching on, Moose." The other guy said.

"You've been watching way too much Supernatural." I mutter.

They scoffed and walked out of the room, leaving me all alone. I let out the breath that I didn't know I've been holding and then finally break down crying. I want to go home.

"Allison. Allison! Wake up." A distant voice said to me, shaking me. It was Moira Queen. I sit up quickly, tears glistening on my cheeks. "Oh, sweetie. It's okay." She comforted me.

"It was real." I murmur, my voice cracking as more tears came. I shook in fear and sadness.

"It's alright. You're home." Moira replied, hugging me, "It's over. You're safe now." I nodded, unsure. I hug her even more until I calmed down. "Want to talk about?" She asked softly.

"No..." I answer, sighing a little sad.

We speed to the police chase of a man in a yellow Hummer. A teenage boy was walking across the road when it drove towards the cops. I speed fast and move him off of the road as Barry stopped the man driving the stolen vehicle.

"Get out of the vehicle!" Barry shouted at him.

"If you say so." The man replied, getting out and ripping the door off. He swung it at Barry as he dodged it, making it crash into the fence.

Barry punched him in the face but only breaking his hand in the process. I speed over to them and check to see if my cousin was alright. The man's whole arm turned to a form of metal as he swung at Barry and hit him, making Barry fly across the Hummer and onto the other side of the vehicle.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating." The man stated to Barry as I grabbed the man's arm and absorbed his power.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating." I replied, punching him with a steel fist which made him crash into the side of the vehicle.

He stood back up a little wobbly and tried to do the same but couldn't for lack of power at the moment. "Cute trick." He muttered as I grabbed him and Barry and ran to Star Labs quickly. I threw the man in one of the cells in our metahuman jail that previously was the particle accelerator.

I lay Barry on one of the beds carefully. "Hang on, Barry. Focus on me." I murmur, trying to keep him awake.

Caitlyn, Cisco, and Wells came in the room. "Oh my God. What happened?" Caitlyn asked, the three of them rushing over to us.

"Barry got a beating by a metahuman who's now in our very own prison. I took his ability." I answer as Caitlyn began to doctor up Barry. I step back and move over to the center of the room. My skin turned to metal and went back to normal.

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