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The sun is new each day. ~Heraclitus


The students were excited. Many of them liked me as a teacher, after all; I never believed in textbooks.

Michael's POV

"Well, Michael," The head of my department said. "I think that if you went over to Stepping Stones Pre-School, they just got a new teacher whom I'm sure would be delighted. His name is Luke Hemmings, ask anyone and they'll know who he is."

"What do you think of the whole idea?" I asked while sitting around a table with a group of my colleagues.

"I think it's a really great idea!" I looked across the table at Lucille Hanna, who was smiling brightly. "When I was in high school, I tutored children in the first grade. It was a wonderful experience. I might not have become a teacher if I didn't enjoy the experience of teaching others."

"I disagree," I turned to Benjamin Robson who shook his head. "Maybe if they worked with children of an older age group, they might actually learn something."

"This could be the foundation of a program like that." I said. "But I need students to be willing to be involved with students. So, after school today, I'll go and talk to this Luke guy."

We talked about other things during the meeting, and it was usually about things I didn't care about. What we would need to budget out this year, and what we needed to budget in. Along with new curriculum and tests that would be headed our ways. It was funny, my occupation was in a lot of the ways the same every year, but at the same time it was always so different. I've been doing this for six years, and every year just shocks me more than the last.

When the final bell rang, I watched students pile out of the classroom before a group of three senior girls came up to my desk. The first one, Destiny, spoke. "Hey Mr. Clifford, are we really going to do that thing with the preschoolers?"

"I'm working on it, why?" I asked.

"Mr. Robson said we might not be able to." Janie spoke up.

"Well, Ms. Hanna is helping me out with it, so we probably will be able to." I flashed a smile. "That's actually what I'm going to meet about now, so if you ladies would excuse me."

The girls left the room and I left a moment later, locking the door as I walked down the hallway. Greeting students as I went and out to my car. I got inside and drove off to where I knew the preschool was. When I walked up it, I was shocked to find the door open.

Going inside I could see a short brunette women walking around. She looked like she came straight off of a State Farm commercial, unlike the preschool she worked.

"Can I help you?" She asked, just as much attitude as I felt like she would have.

"I'm looking for Luke Hemmings," I smiled. "Is he still here?"

"I don't know, but if he is, he would be down the hallway, turn right and go to the classroom on the left-hand side." She said.

"Thank you." I said and walked down the hallway. I looked at all of the walls and saw all of the work from the preschoolers. From what I knew, Stepping Stones Preschool was also connected to a kindergarten program as well as a daycare and area for clubs for children. Explaining why the building was as big as it was.

I walked into a classroom and could see a tall blonde writing as he sat a table he was clearly way too tall for. His knees poking over the top of it. But he did not look like a teacher. He looked like one of my students. Black ripped skinny jeans and a t-shirt with writing across the front.

His eyes looked to me and he flashed a smile. "Hi, what can I do for you? Are one of your kids in my class?"

"Um..No," I laughed lightly. "No, my name is Michael Clifford and I'm from Greenwoods High School, I teach psychology and sometimes sociology and a few other classes."

"I see." The blonde smiled. "My name is Luke Hemmings, in case you didn't know."

"Okay, good thing I got the right room." I laughed. "Anyways, I wanted to start a program with my students where they could come down and help out in your preschool class - "

"Yes." Luke said immediately. "I would totally love to have your students come interact with my kids. They're just preschoolers though, so it'll be more fun and games and the simplest learning, rather than the learning they're used to. I just have a few requirements."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I don't want students in here who misbehave." Luke said. "I have thirty kids to watch, I don't have enough in me to watch thirty of yours."

"Well each of my class only has twenty kids, but I already worked that out with my students. This was actually their idea, they seemed really excited, plus you're really close to where we are." I said.

"Cool!" Luke smiled. "I think before you send your students you should come watch one of the classes to see what they're actually like. To make sure you want to do this. I think I can convince a couple of my other colleagues to let some of your students be in their classes too."

"That'd probably be the best choice." I admitted. I looked at Luke and shook my head slowly. "You look so ridiculous sitting at that table, I'm sorry."

"I clear six feet." Luke laughed. "My kids think it's the best thing, when I meet parents they're always really shocked I'm as tall as I am."

"Anyways, when do you want me to come watch a class?"

"Well, just show up." Luke shrugged. "When you do, I'll let you sit in and then we can work out other stuff."

"Oh, well, thanks Luke." I smiled. "It was really nice to meet you, but I'll let you get to whatever you were doing."

"No problem, have a good evening Michael." Luke smiled. I gave him a farewell and walked out of the room.

This was one weird teacher if you asked me.


First chapter there you go have fun.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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