Chapter 45: The 2002 Winter Olympics

Start from the beginning

"This idea has great potential. I like it." Cali smiled.

I beamed. "I also have some ideas on the emblem."

I got up from my chair, and headed to the white board. I grabbed a blue Expo marker and started drawing shapes. For once, Cali and York shut their mouths, allowing me to concentrate while I draw. I recall some vague memories, allowing my creativity to pour into the emblem. Once I was done with the blue marker, I grabbed the red marker. I made some red lines, careful on how it looked with the blue. Considering there weren't any orange or yellow Expo markers in sight, I had to make do with the red marker. Hopefully they'll like it.

"Wow..." she awed. "I didn't think you could draw."

"I think the color palette needs to make some improvements, but I really like what you've done. Looks pretty rad," said York.

Touching up on the drawing, I got out a black Expo marker and wrote underneath the emblem, "Salt Lake 2002." After that, I did my best to draw the World Olympics emblem, five interconnected circles underneath the letters. Then, I was done. I took a step back to check out what I drew, making sure it wasn't only recognizable, but it also looked good as well. Much to my surprise, it turned out better than I expected.

"So, I thought about this for a while, and I decided to base my emblem on a snowflake," I explained.

"I can see that," York noted, "Is there a reason why you chose a snowflake?"

I shrugged. "My home has the best snow in the world."

"Isn't that subjective?"

"That's not the point," I sighed. "The blue at the bottom represents the blue mountains. The middle portion that's a darker shade of red is suppose to represent my history and culture. I want it to be orange, but you know. I have to make do with the markers we have," I confessed. "Lastly, the lighter shade of red represents the Olympic flame and the athletes' courage. I consider changing it to yellow if it fits better with the color scheme. Overall, it should look like a sun rising behind a mountain."

York nodded. "That'll work. Good job."

Cali giggled. "Great! We got a logo now!"

I rubbed the back of my neck as I smiled with them. "Thanks! I'm glad we can finally reach an agreement on something."

"Now we need to work on the mascots."

"Hang on. Mascots?"

"Yeah! You need something to represent the games and build tourism for the people coming here."

"I got Roni the Raccoon for the one in 1980." York, for whatever reason, waved around a Raccoon plushy in a sky blue ski suit in his hand.

Cali wrinkled her nose. "Roni the Raccoon looks creepy."

"How would you know? You didn't even have a mascot for the Winter Olympics."

"If I did, it wouldn't be a furry with a derpy face."

Once again, the two argued over mascots while I watched in the background of their argument.

Sigh... I guess I should've known planning for an international event is going to be this challenging. Still, I'm sure I can figure it all out with a great deal of planning and some hard work.

 Still, I'm sure I can figure it all out with a great deal of planning and some hard work

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