Chapter 31: Operation Blue Bird

Start from the beginning

I sat up and turned my lamp on. I found the black desk phone and dialed the number. I waited as the phone rang.

"Sheriff Gram, how may I help you." A familiar british voice said.

"You could get your sexy self over here. Its an emergency."

"Oh, Regina. Its you."

"You don't sound happy it's me?"  I say playfully.

"No! That's not it at all."

"Than how bout you come over?" I say biting my lip.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit."

With that I hang up and prepped myself before he was here. And he would be here. After all, I'm the one who held his heart... literally

(Okay, Haha! Its over! XD)

Wendy's POV

I woke up and and looked over at my night stand. The flyer was still there. That wasn't a dream. I got up and looked in the mirror. My God, I was still super skinny. It had only been a few days, but still, I had to have gained something, right?

I got dressed in a blue t-shirt with the Storybrooke School animal, a blue bird, and black letters that said, Storybrooke High School, I slipped on a pair of dark jeans, black flats, and I threw my long hair in a pony tail.

I only put on some powder, blush, and mascara. I wasn't much of a makeup person. When I took a last look at myself in the mirror ,I stuck the flyer in my back pocket.

I ran downstairs, half expecting to see Regina with a coffee and news paper in hand. But no, I saw something totally unexpected. At the breakfast bar was the officer who had caught me last night. What was he doing here? He let me go right?

I slowly approached the officer, but before I could do anything, He had already seen me.

"What are you doing here?" He said quickly pulling away the coffee mug. But non the less he kept his voice low.

"No, what are you doing here?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes. It was a form of challenge I liked to use. Sometimes I'd win, other times (like with Regina) I'd stop becuasevtheres was much more practiced.

"I asked you first." He said raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be childish. Now, tell me." I said commanding

"You are a child!" He said with widened eyes.

"Girls mature quicker, it's common sense." I said with a head tip.

He sighed in defeat. "Well, as you may know, Regina is the Mayor, and I am the sheriff. Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Sunday mornings, I come over and we discuss town things."

I nodded my head, that seemed normal enough. But I didn't see him last Sunday. Maybe he was lying.

"I didn't see you last Sunday?" I said suspiciously.

"I said, sometimes." He said exaggerating 'sometimes'. I shrugged and dat down.

"Well, what are we having for breakfast Sheriff." I said sitting in front of the plate with an omelette on it.

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